Out going calls busy, incoming calls strait to voicemail

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Just Passing Thru
Posts: 2
Joined: 06/18/2019
SIP Device Name: GrandStream HT801
ISP Name: Videotron, cable
Computer OS: Win 10

Out going calls busy, incoming calls strait to voicemail

Post by sdblanchet »

Yesterday the phone was working fine
this morning no out going call and no incoming calls
outgoing always busy
incoming strait to voice mail

Looked at fongo system stus, all is operational

Any ideas ?
Just Passing Thru
Posts: 2
Joined: 06/18/2019
SIP Device Name: GrandStream HT801
ISP Name: Videotron, cable
Computer OS: Win 10

Re: Out going calls busy, incoming calls strait to voicemail

Post by sdblanchet »

Problem solved

firewall was reset and problem was solved
Just Passing Thru
Posts: 2
Joined: 05/29/2020
SIP Device Name: HT-801
ISP Name: Bell Fibe
Computer OS: osx
Router: Not sure

Re: Out going calls busy, incoming calls strait to voicemail

Post by elementskates »

What firewall did you reset and how? I'm a new user and having the same issue. The phone light on the HT-801 isn't illuminated.