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forget email with freephoneline

Posted: 12/29/2023
by seagame2001
Hello there

I use to own freephoneline before but I forgot my email on my there anyway I get get it back?


Hapy New Year every one

Re: forget email with freephoneline

Posted: 12/29/2023
by Jake
Apart from trying all possible emails you used to have on their Forgot Password page - - you will probably have to send them in a support ticket and work with them directly.

As a forum moderator, we have no dealings with your account.

It might be worth searching for "Freephoneline" in your email clients just in case. You never know, something might pop up.

If it helps, it looks like you bought the unlock key around 2011, if that helps remember what email you used 12 years ago. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1562&p=15118#p15118

There have been a few cases of accounts being shut. Hopefully, that isn't the case with you, but contacting them will be your best bet if the guessing game doesn't work out.

Re: forget email with freephoneline

Posted: 12/29/2023
by seagame2001
ok thanks