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newbie please help

Posted: 09/05/2009
by rrb
i joined last night and was able to make an outbound call, and i called my self but went straight to voicemail. So:

1. is there an faq that describes router config and ports that need to be open?

2. Is there something wrong with the search on this forum? any thing i search for comes back with 0 results. i tried searching for router or ports and both came back - too many resuts try somethng else (or something like that) when i tried searching for UDP it came back withe too few letters in word must be 3 to 14 but seems to me UDP is 3?

3. is there a general doc that describes using this service?

Re: newbie please help

Posted: 09/05/2009
by mjbad2
Just keep on trying search and you will figure it out.
Yaa search forum is weird. But it works.

Re: newbie please help

Posted: 09/07/2009
by FONGO_kris
Email a specific request for what you want to, my team and I will work on one for you as well as a generic one.

Re: newbie please help

Posted: 09/08/2009
by FONGO_steve
There is a FAQ on the bottom link bar of We are working on renovating this FAQ and making it more visible and up to date

Re: newbie please help

Posted: 09/08/2009
by redshift
The first thing to do would be to get a list of the ports you need for freephoneline:
From what I gather that is 5060, 13000-13001

Then go to and select your router and allow it to show you how to forward those ports. You will need the ip of the ATA that your router has assigned it.

Re: newbie please help

Posted: 09/08/2009
by FONGO_kris
That is basically it, a few corrections / additions though.

Ports needed for Freephoneline can vary depending on what you are using (--> means # to #, not # and #):

5060 --> 6061

10,000 --> 20,000