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Forum Rules and Support Policy

Posted: 05/18/2009
by fpladmin
Forum Support Policy:
The Fongo forum is provided as a community driven support resource for the Fongo brands. Customers may post their questions, inquiries or problems in the forum and seek answers from other community members. Although Fongo does have staff members who moderate in the forums, staff are not required to provide direct support unless they feel the issue is directly related to Fongo software or hardware and can not be resolved by the community members.

Forum Rules:
The Fongo forums are a family oriented discussion board. As such, the following guidelines are in place to support this philosophy:

Search before you post:
  • In the top right corner of the forums we have included a search bar feature. Please search for your issue or question before starting a new thread - it may have already been answered! This will also make it easier for moderators to observe any trends that are emerging and facilitate providing support to a higher number of users in a shorted span of time.
Topic/Post Nature:
  • We have visitors of all ages, genders and races that actively participate in this board and use our service. As such, this is a PG-13 board. If you wouldn't talk about something with your 13 year old, then don't post it here either.
  • Please refrain from posting discussions surrounding religion, politics, lifestyles, controversial news and competitor referral. Make sure all of your posts are respectful to other individuals and that you treat others the way you would want to be treated yourself. These posts are a judgement call the moderators of the forum will make. Please exercise your best judgement before posting.
  • No profanity (this includes certain religious profanes). It is explicitly left to the discretion of the moderators to decide if something is indecent and thus a violation of the family friendly provisions of the TOS.
Thread Hijacking/Useless Posts:
  • Thread hijacking is the act of trying to steer a web forum discussion thread off topic by discussing a subject entirely unrelated to the subject at hand. While this can be an intentional act of trolling, it is often accidental - caused by other participants in the discussion responding to a throwaway remark, taking the thread off at a tangent to the original subject matter. The results, whilst sometimes humorous or otherwise interesting, often provoke a feeling of resentment from the author of the original post. Intentional thread hijacking will not be tolerated, and the intent will be left to the discretion of the moderators.
  • Useless posting will also not be permitted nor will posts with the intent of “creating a reaction”. This includes, but is not limited to, posts of few words, no topic, or posts to grab attention to oneself or ones issues. Please make sure your posts have a topic, and that you are including sufficient detail if asking for assistance.
Cross-Posting/Double Posting:
  • When posting a new thread, please post it only once in the appropriate forum. Posting an identical thread in multiple forums is not allowed without permission, and duplicate threads may be deleted. If you are unsure of which forum would be appropriate, please feel free to contact a moderator for advice.
  • Vendor disagreements should be dealt with via the vendor - we don't want to be used as leverage. Attempts to use the forum in such a fashion will be subject to immediate removal at moderator discretion. Feel free to discuss things here, but please don't beat it to death. Stating your viewpoint once, on-topic and in a civil manner, in a thread is sufficient.
Your account:
  • Please exercise caution when disclosing personal information about your account on the forum. It is ill advised to post your complete phone number, email address or to provide your username and password to a stranger. Fongo staff will never ask for your password and will only ask for account information through a private message.
Personal information:
  • Please do not post someone else's personal information, or post links to personal information online. Post personal information which invite harassment or vigilantism will result in an immediate ban.
  • Please do not copy e-mails, articles, pictures or posts from publications or from other online sites unless you are the owner of the material or have received explicit permission from the owner to do so. This permission must be included in your post. Using another person's work without permission is, at the very least, poor netiquette, and is not permitted on this forum. A summary or short quote is allowed without permission, but you must include the identity of the original source. The best way to direct fellow Fongo members to material you have found is to simply include a link, when possible, in your post.
  • With regard to posting of images, please meet the conditions of : 1) The respective agency for use of the photo, 2) the photo is clearly labelled/credited, and 3) a link is provided to the site from which the photo was obtained.
And remember...
  • Moderators/Admins have the final say. If they feel a topic is not suitable for these forums then it may be deleted without reason.
  • Users who continually abuse the rules after being warned may be banned without prior notice. Bans may be temporary or permanent based on the conditions
Please note: the Terms of Service (TOS) / Forum Guidelines are subject to change without notice.

Re: Forum Rules and Support Policy

Posted: 10/01/2012
by FONGO_steve
Revised 2012-10-01

Re: Forum Rules and Support Policy

Posted: 02/06/2013
by FONGO_Announcements
Revised 2013-02-06

Re: Forum Rules and Support Policy

Posted: 09/26/2024
by Liptonbrisk
As a result of increasing spam and AI bots, posts from new accounts created while using VPNs or proxies will likely be declined.