GrandStream HT-502

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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by flomar »

I got some time and I studied the manual; could someone explain what means "Open a web browser, type in the WAN side IP address – for example:
Can I do this with "wan enable" I mean that function sequence-*** 12 WAN Port Web Access Press “9” to toggle between enable / disable" through phone and for wan access to plug the pc into wan port and than type that ip address that is given when i dial ***02; or how?
What would happen if I plug ata direct into Rogers modem bypassing router just to see if I can get the login windows of ata of course pluging a pc in lan port? would in this case the default for router be used for ata because when I did the configuration I changed to that address no.
I cannot play today with these options or testings due to personal reason, I will try tomorrow, I will keep you posted.
By the way freephoneline is working very nice it seems that the quality is comparable with Bell or Rogers, no distortion, no other sounds, nothing, no missing rings or going directly in voicemail.It happened before with vbuzzer and every time I had to restart the ata and all got ok for a while.The only issue is that if the software is open the phone doesn't ring only pc software, vbuzzer it doesn't matter both are ringing and working in the same time. What can I do you cannot have all only for $50 for lifetime.
Funkytown settings were the best, hopefully I will not mess anything playing with my ata, router and who knows what else.

Have a good weekend!
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by Funkytown »

So how is everything up to now? Is it working fine or not?
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by flomar »


Now is ok in another hour is not ok, in the morning I had a 2-3 sec a power cut and then only vbuzzer worked then, when I came for lunch both were working fine, then when I came back a while ago both line were not working then, after restart the ata both line are working again. So smth is not in order I don't know with ata or router. Same was happening when I had only one line, once in a while I had to restart the ata to have vbuzzer line working, I thing I have to dig deep to find which one is faulty or what the issue is, I wish to say that I studied the manual, but what ever i did I was not able to get in my ata.Each time when I tried to login on Lan port I got the page with "internet explorer cannot display....", no matter I used the ip given buy router or by ***02 on phone.
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by Funkytown »

flomar wrote:Funkytown,

Now is ok in another hour is not ok, in the morning I had a 2-3 sec a power cut and then only vbuzzer worked then, when I came for lunch both were working fine, then when I came back a while ago both line were not working then, after restart the ata both line are working again. So smth is not in order I don't know with ata or router. Same was happening when I had only one line, once in a while I had to restart the ata to have vbuzzer line working, I thing I have to dig deep to find which one is faulty or what the issue is, I wish to say that I studied the manual, but what ever i did I was not able to get in my ata.Each time when I tried to login on Lan port I got the page with "internet explorer cannot display....", no matter I used the ip given buy router or by ***02 on phone.

Rogers Cable>Voip ATA [GrandStream]>Wireless Router? This would work best!
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by laurent »

Funkytown wrote:Rogers Cable>Voip ATA [GrandStream]>Wireless Router? This would work best!
If that method of connection is to be uesd, please do not follow my guide as I specifically configure the Grandstream ATA the other way around.

However, using the recommended way (modem in WAN port, router in LAN port), could prove to be very effective, especially to simplify the whole setup ordeal.
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by flomar »

Is 5 pm and the lines are working.
My home network is Rogers modem then Belkin router then pc's and ata. That means that from Rogers modem it goes in 4 wired port and wireless Belkin router then from that it goes to pc" and ata; it has never worked if from modem it goes in ata and from ata to router and then pc's.Vbuzzer advised to do so when I had some problem with their service at the beginning; and I tried and it did not worked.
Before I made your settings I was able to connect a pc to Lan port of ata typed in browser the ip gave in ipconfig/renew cmd window.After that everytime when I try to do it in cmd window I cannot get anything, if I try to do so the phone lines are not working only after I restart the ata, then after several miutes both lines get working again.So from the time i made your settings and get both lines working I have never been able to login in ata.I read the manual, yesterday when dialed ***02 I got the same like in router windows clients, today I got after that morning issue I tried to enable wan and then to follow the manual with that http://ht502-wan-ip-address no luck same message that cannot display the page.
If I try to do a reset of ata i am afraid i might not be able to use my lines because i am not sure whether or not I will be able to login again in ata to configure it,and I might need to by another ata, and so on to start from the beginning. So at this moment I am stuck, I don't know what else should i do to get ata login page again.
Quiet One
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by flomar »

Right now I got a message from technical support and it seems that morning issue was from them.
This is their message:

"We did have a minor technical difficulty this morning, if you were to call and
receive the 'no funds' error. These issues are all fixed now, and everything is
working as normal."

Also they did their statement with third part policy:

"If you are having any further issues, keep in mind we do not
support third party ATAs. Please contact the manufacturer of the ATA."
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by Funkytown »

flomar wrote: Also they did their statement with third part policy:

"If you are having any further issues, keep in mind we do not
support third party ATAs. Please contact the manufacturer of the ATA."
Correct and this is why were here to help eachother of our own BYOD device
Quiet One
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by flomar »

Yes indeed but is their loss,because there are not many like us who wish to share their experience on the site - there is a saying "is very easy to do harm but is hard to do good for people". I cannot blame their decision but if they would like to be more helpful with customers having their own ata, I think that people would recommend further their service I cannot say anything about their technical support the guy I spoke with were very professional and nice too, but too easy he gave up and sent me to manufacturer, and you know, you cannot deal with manufacturer as long as you didn't buy from them, same like freephoneline.
By the way do you have some new ideeas with my ata login issue?
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by laurent »

Okay, two things.

1) For each device that FPL were to support, the cost involve raise exponentially. It becomes a nightmare in no time. Every little ATA has their own issues, and then they each have 5 or 6 firmware versions, and then they have us to deal with because we keep tampering with the thing. Really, I perfectly understand why FPL does not support more than one device. This is it, you take it or you don't.

Part of my day job is support, and I completely see the kind of mess FPL could get themselved into if they were to support more devices. Maybe one day when it's a large operation with lots of resources, but not now. So that's the deal. If you want a fully supported, tested, troubleshooted, tell-me-what-to-do-next voip service, you buy the 50$ ata from them.

That said:

2) I feel like you're on the verge of a technological meltdown. The fact that you can't reach the web interface of your ATA is not only troubling, but dangerous. How long until something breaks and you'Re completely out of phone? If I were you, I would bite the bullet and start from scratch.

Also, this is puzzling:
flomar wrote:I was able to connect a pc to Lan port of ata typed in browser the ip gave in ipconfig/renew cmd window.
Are you saying that on your computer, you open a CMD window, type "ipconfig /renew", then you see, and then you set that IP in the ATA? What you see in ipconfig is your PC's own address. Your ATA needs another address. You can't give THAT address to anything else. Also, typing that in a browser will point to the PC, not to the ATA. Unless you're talking about the gateway or dhcp server from ipconfig /all details? It'S a bit unclear.

If you completely hardware reset your HT502 ATA, it will default to this setup:
- WAN port as DHCP client
- LAN port as NAT router with DHCP server

Therefore, the easiest is to reset the ATA, then plug it exactly as so:
Rogers --> RogersModem --> 502-WAN-PORT
502-LAN-PORT --> Linksys WAN port
and then
Computers -->`Linksys LAN port

With this, everything is automatic. Your linksys router act as a router only for PCs, the ATA does its own routing. This is the way the HT502 manual suggests we hook it up. With that, the ATA deals with its own port forwarding and its own QoS and whatnot. It's the easiest.

In theory, the rogers modem gives an IP to the WAN port of HT502. The HT502 gives an IP to the WAN ports of the router. And then the router gives IP addresses to anything under it. Yes it's a mess, that' s why I decided not to install it this way.

It's really hard for us to help you out, Flomar, because we're missing too much information and it'S really quite complex. You seem to be mixing up addresses between devices from different subnets and whatnot, that's quite the task to debug.

The other solution is to follow the complete step-by-step guide I posted. I explain everything. The only thing I don't cover is how to forward ports in a router such as Linksys, but that, we can help you out easily.
Quiet One
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by flomar »


Thank you for your response.Most importantly now is that I got both lines working properly;
It seems that my problem was misunderstood.Should you check here for what i said regarding ata ip address with that ipconfig/renew and got it is vbuzzer settings for this ata -
So once again ( I was wondering too) but vbuzzer said there in cmd window type ipconfig/renew and then what address you get put in browser and get the login window of ata, and the ip of ata was there were is said default is is default was, that means in Basic Settings, the line with LAN DHCP Base IP; there I chaged from to That I thing was the mistake because the same address is for router. But I bypassed router and no luck.Also with the exception of reset I did what ever you told me but I was not able to get into my ata, and I won't do a reset till my phones are working, because I need vbuzzer line to be operational otherwise, I will in trouble.Today I bid for an ata on ebay, as soon as I will get it i will do the settings for it for vbuzzer then I can play with grandstream ht502.
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by laurent »

That sounds like a very safe approach. We'll play more with this once you get your new ATA and vbuzzer operational.
Quiet One
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by flomar »

Ole! ole! everything got ok.
Just few minutes ago I tried what I tried many times before just typed the ip address given by router and voala! login page for ata (I enabled through phone the WAN access a while ago).No need to connect to lan port any desktop pc, I can login even wirelessly from my laptop. I don't believe in any black magic in any haunted device but it is clear that there is smth wrong between router and ata, even now when I got the login page I got or both lines registered or one not registered; and when i check if the line unregistered is working, it is, so I am speechless, when i check again in login page again it is registered.I don't know what i might change now to solve the issue of login page as long as I am able to login in my ata.Any ideeas?
I won the ata it is "LINKSYS PAP2 NA SIP VOIP Phone Adapter 2 Port UNLOCKED"; so now I will have one for spare and for play.
Quiet One
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by flomar »

Have anyone encounter the issue of permanent flashing of light that indicates that you have voicemail, the light is flashing on both -ata and my Panasonic phone too.
Quiet One
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by flomar »

Forget it,

The provider sent an email and said to reboot, and all is now ok, no blinking after reboot.
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by naseerfarooqi »


I read this all discussion and GrandStream HT-502, which I have at home. I tried to configure my configuration file in this router, but couldn't get success. Can any one send me a complete screenshots of the configuration file who has this router?

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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by naseerfarooqi »


I have my configuration file from FPL.
I read this discussion also about Grandstream HT-502 box. But I am unable to cofigure the box.

I opened the configuration site, and put the cofiguration information in it. But after rebooting it and dialing it, no number is able to dial, just a dial tone is coming up.

Can anyone who has this box send me his cofiguration snapshots to me, so that I can configure it.

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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by laurent »

I posted the screenshots in page 2 of this thread: ... t=25#p8184
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by Funkytown »

Has anyone noticed at all with the GrandStream Ht502 a very light sound of snow/static when both parties are not talking on there FPL line?

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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by laurent »

Both parties?? How can you NOT be on FPL on your end?

As for me, everyone I call is on standard Bell phone lines and there's no static.
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by Funkytown »

laurent wrote:Both parties?? How can you NOT be on FPL on your end?

As for me, everyone I call is on standard Bell phone lines and there's no static.
well most people i speak to can hear the sound of static/snowy BUT very very lightly ... it only appears more when both parties pause for a second or two
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by laurent »

Tried a different phone for fun?

By the way I have a problem with my HT502 that is making me go nuts.

Every few days, I pick up the phone and .. "Device not registered."

I then log on the webpage, click any tab, press reboot, voila. I'm goot for a few days, maybe even a week. What the heck? I've checked the settings over and over again, the registration expiration is currently set at 60 minutes, with a retry set to 30 seconds.

Any ideas? I'm about to eBay me a PAP2T.
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by Funkytown »

laurent wrote:Tried a different phone for fun?

By the way I have a problem with my HT502 that is making me go nuts.

Every few days, I pick up the phone and .. "Device not registered."

I then log on the webpage, click any tab, press reboot, voila. I'm goot for a few days, maybe even a week. What the heck? I've checked the settings over and over again, the registration expiration is currently set at 60 minutes, with a retry set to 30 seconds.

Any ideas? I'm about to eBay me a PAP2T.
I have tried a different phone and its worse then the cordless phone im using presently.

im experiencing the same issue the device not registered every so often.
im also experiencing another problem when i hang with someone i get when dialing a new number after hanging up with the first party this account is already being/in use "what the hell"?
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by laurent »

I just posted the question here: ... pic=8378.0

Let's hope someone has a solution for this.

I've got my finger twitching on the "Add to cart" button for a PAP2T...

And about your hang up problem, check these two settings: "Hook Flash Timing" and "On Hook Timing" These adjust how long the on-hook has to last to detect various functions (like flash or hangup). Try reducing them maybe.
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Re: GrandStream HT-502

Post by Funkytown »

laurent wrote:
And about your hang up problem, check these two settings: "Hook Flash Timing" and "On Hook Timing" These adjust how long the on-hook has to last to detect various functions (like flash or hangup). Try reducing them maybe.
Didnt think of that, I will try this now ;)
