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Voicemail Notifications - SMS or EMAIL

Posted: 02/29/2012
by marc25v
As my subject suggests, it would be amazing if you would provide voicemail notifications either by text message or email, or both! ;)

Currently using Dell Voice and this might be my only pet peeve.

Thanks for the great solution!

Re: Voicemail Notifications - SMS or EMAIL

Posted: 03/24/2012
by dakey999
Excellent suggestion!!!

Re: Voicemail Notifications - SMS or EMAIL

Posted: 03/26/2012
by juser
+1 That would be a great feature to have.

Re: Voicemail Notifications - SMS or EMAIL

Posted: 03/26/2012
by TheHardy
Hopefully the "copy voicemail to email" option that FPL users enjoy will migrate to DV soon enough. Getting a txt to a mobile WOULD be a nice feature as well, rather than forwarding the whole VM file. I would think that it may take carrier-specific coding tho in the implementation, as you would need to select your wireless carrier as well as enter your wireless number -- as each wireless carrier has different implementations of how to send "email sms" ... and WIND's is most definitely a KLUDGED together format which is still buggy at best.