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Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/15/2012
by dickduff
Thanks for that Kris! I really do love the whole thing and am actually really impressed both with the level of support (especially for something that's free). This is a great offering and I'm sure that it will get resolved. This app is pretty new and all new apps usually need some tweaking!

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/15/2012
by FONGO_kris
bylo wrote:
FONGO_mike wrote:
FONGO_kris wrote:......and I've set my phone to clear memory when full and not force close apps to save it.
This appears to have worked for Kris, has anyone else tried this (or something similar) on their Android phone?
Perhaps Kris can elaborate on how he's doing this, i.e. what Settings he used and/or which app he installed?
This is the problem we run in to. My answer was really only meant to point a finger to how our app goes into a background state and how android keeps them running and a possible problem there. I modified my API with a specific string --> "startForeground(int, Notification)", to allow this feature, which should certainly not have to be done to anyones phone; I almost bricked mine.

With ALL Android phones / tablets out of the box, there is an option to free up ram or close unnecessary applications, this is usually known as "Clear available RAM" or in my case "App Killer" which closes all applications not defined as either a background or foreground app, or to kill other erroneous processes. It is still theoretically possible for the service to be killed under extreme memory pressure from the current foreground application, but in practice this should not be a concern; unfortunately, it sometimes is.

Quite frankly I'm pretty sure the developers at Android put in place safeguards to protect against that particular string in stock software because it was being so widely used and abused.

We've digressed from the conversation and gone into a discussion about modifying custom roms which was not the original intent of this thread. If you'd like more information on Android specifics not to do with Dell Voice please PM / Email me and I'd be happy to share my ]knowledge.

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/15/2012
by bylo
FONGO_kris wrote:We've digressed from the conversation and gone into a discussion about modifying custom roms which was not the original intent of this thread.
Thanks for the explanation and clarification.

I thought you'd managed to find Settings or an app that runs on stock ROMs, hence my request for more information. This problem has to be resolved in stock, unrooted phones.

In any case I'm not prepared to install non-standard ROMs in order to try to resolve the issue.

P.S. You asked if the DV app disappears only after the phone has gone to sleep. That's when it's usually noticed but I've also seen it disappear when the phone was being used. That may have been a crash, although there was no error message.

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/15/2012
by FONGO_kris
Of course, Fongo and Dell Voice do not endorse the use of customized ROM's or any other applications to make the product work, it is simply a reality that some people do. The premise is, if you are able to install it from the market, it will work.

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/16/2012
by clee666
wow thanks for everyone for participating to my thread!
I am reassured that my phone is not the only one having this issue.
As promised, I paid a little bit more attention to how long it stays running, and it vary from a few hours to 13-14 hours before DV disappears from the notification bar.
In addition to my Nexus S, I also tried with my Sony Xperia Mini Pro with stock OS but unfortunately I still get the same issues.
Please keep posting your observations! I'm sure they are helpful to the developers

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/16/2012
by FONGO_kris
I would also implore anyone experiencing any issues to submit bug reports from within the software, especially force-crash reports as they go directly to our developers :)

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/16/2012
by bylo
FONGO_kris wrote:I would also implore anyone experiencing any issues to submit bug reports from within the software, especially force-crash reports as they go directly to our developers :)
All that the Contact Us in DV for Android does is bring up an e-mail for Can't you simply e-mail them a link to this thread and save us all the trouble of repeating what we've already said here?

That would also show them, in one e-mail, just how widespread this problem really is.


Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/16/2012
by FONGO_kris
Our developers browse the forums for that specific purpose actually.

What I meant was when Android itself asks you to send crash and bug reports when something happens ("com.fongo.dellvoice has close unexpectedly!" or similar), those go directly to our development team.

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/16/2012
by netyang
Thanks everyone. I installed AutoKiller to try. after days, I'll report the result.

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/16/2012
by adminsly
since i have remove the apps, can someone report if this is fix after updating to 1.2.8 ????

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/16/2012
by optimus1
Unfortunately the problem has gotten worse for me since I just updated to 1.2.8. Soon as I am finished a call and screen goes into standby mode,the phone won't ring.The call goes to my voicemail.So I wake phone up,and here the blue icon is still on,it shows dv is on,yet phone doesn't ring? So still I have this problem on my lg optimus 1,the only way this works for me is to constantly keep the phone awake,but thats no good,just drains my battery lol..hope they can find a fix for this..

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/17/2012
by adminsly
for me so far the apps stay on and running all night,
so i will sugest , for the one that stil have the problem, uninstall the dellvoice apps, reboot the phone and go to market and download and install the new version of the apps.


Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/17/2012
by bylo
I can confirm that with 1.2.8, for the first time since I got DV, it stayed up all night.

The Viagra worked, guys ;)

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/17/2012
by netyang
netyang wrote:Thanks everyone. I installed AutoKiller to try. after days, I'll report the result.
Since I use AutoKiller, Dell voice (1.2.7 and 1.2.8) runs very well, never stop again.

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/17/2012
by pedor
Since I installed the 1.2.8 release it looks like the Dell Voice notification icon is sticking around for now...time will tell, but it looks good!

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/17/2012
by FONGO_kris
I can confirm mine has been running and connected for 19 hours, without going over 2% battery life.

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/17/2012
by dickduff
Mine stayed on all night as well. Fingers crossed!

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/17/2012
by optimus1
Problem has been resolved as of today In my case.I upgraded my phone os from froyo to 2.3.4 and dv has been working great so far,app hasn.t stopped all day,phone rings for each caller,,thanks guys, I am confident it is now working properly,seems it wouldn't work right on froyo for me..

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/18/2012
by dickduff
Looking good. No dropoffs after a day and a half. Looks like the new update may have fixed it!

Thanks everybody!

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/18/2012
by clee666
me too!
still up and running for almost 24h!

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/19/2012
by DanTou
Since the last update...

While I was using my phone, I saw the icon disappear: it reconnected automatically to Fongo in seconds. It had been runnning for 16 hours. Perfectly acceptable!

It has now been running for 19 hours.

Very fast support. Thanks!

Re: Android app stops running in background

Posted: 02/19/2012
by clee666
DanTou wrote:Since the last update...

While I was using my phone, I saw the icon disappear: it reconnected automatically to Fongo in seconds. It had been runnning for 16 hours. Perfectly acceptable!

It has now been running for 19 hours.

Very fast support. Thanks!
If it reconnects, its perfectly acceptable to me!
As long as I don't need too check my phone every 15 mins if it's still running
After 2 days, still running :)