no response to open trouble ticket 857058

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no response to open trouble ticket 857058

Post by goliver »

I opened a trouble ticket on Feb 6th about a problem I have receiving / sending texts to the UK.
After an email from FONGO requesting further information on the problem there has been a deafening silence
from Fongo support. This level of service is sub-standard. I've escalated the problem a couple of
times but these escalations were merged into the original trouble ticket.

What , if anything, is being done to resolve this problem. It seems it is impossible to reach anyone in Fongo
who is capable of dealing with customer issues.

Here is the original ticket:

I replied to SUPPORT but have not had a reply or an acknowledgement that this is still an active problem.

Reply on 6th Feb,

Are you able to text to another Fongo number?

YES. See 'test text TO 365XXXXXX0'

Are you texting a Canadian or an International number?

The problem seems to be ANY text to a number outside North America....I am unable to text to the UK nor receive
texts from the UK. See file 'Text sent to UK #'

You will see that I ascertained that I can text this UK number from a PUBLIC Mobile phone I have in Canada. There are no issues texting this number
or receiving texts from this number on my other Canadian mobile service provider. See file 'Test text sent to same UK number from Public Mobile'

I also ascertained that I can text a US # from my Fongo number
see file 'Test Text to a USA number'

Are you having issues with all numbers or a specific number?
Is the issue intermittent?

All numbers and it happens every time.

Can you provide a recent text , number, the date and time that you tried to send a text that was not working?

Text sent at 9:31 February 6th to +44 791XXXXXX6
See file 'test sent to UK#'

Additionally I can 'CALL' the UK number from my Fongo number and the call completes. The problem
seems to be only with texting from FONGO to a UK number. I am able to call and text to USA numbers and Canadian numbers.
Texts to the UK number from Public Mobile work fine. Texts from the UK number to my Public Mobile number are received.

With FONGO , I can only CALL the UK but can't text.
Last edited by Jake on 02/22/2024, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited out phone numbers.
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Re: no response to open trouble ticket 857058

Post by Jake »

I edited out the phone numbers as they won't really help in fixing your issue, and this is a public forum. Maybe those numbers are public already, but it's better to be safe from the scanners. :)

Unfortunately, Fongo staff don't really come here very often. It is mainly manned by Community Mods like myself who can't see anything behind the curtain.

I assume you have the World package by the sounds of it, so I won't suggest you check that.
It sounds like you have gone through the right channels and fully tested things. Seeing that you have already escalated the ticket the only other step I can suggest is to contact the CCTS - ... -complaint

You are paying for something that you are not getting, and I would suggest that 2 weeks is plenty of time to get some sort of reply from them. They do seem to listen a bit better when the CCTS speaks to them.
I wish I had some sort of solution for you, but this sounds like a back-end issue that we have no access to.

I would ask if you do this route that you reply here with any outcome you get.
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