Unable to make outbound calls to off net Phones

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Unable to make outbound calls to off net Phones

Post by mben26 »


I am Freephoneline user since 3 years, and one week ago i have a problem when i try make outgoing calls, if i call any other Freephoneline the phone is working great and i can talk to the other party, if someone calls me also it's working perfectly, ( people call me from their cellphones, their landlines from Bell or any Other phone service provider without any problem), the problem happen when i make a phone call to any other phone line except Freephonelines , in this case the other party tell me that their phone ringed and some time they hear me but i do not hear them, sometimes theire is no voice in both directions, since the problem is happening only with off network calls and all On Network calls are working fine, than the problem i guess can not be my router or my Linksys ATA, even though i place my ATA as a DMZ in my router config and it doesn't help either, i tried to use a sip dialer that i installed on my Galaxy Tab same problem , i can receive calls , but whenver i call off net i can t hear the other party, ( I have bought the sip config file few years ago). i sent an email to freephoneline support at support@freephoneline.com, but i did not receive any feedback from you guys, Please help.

The problem started almost the same day you updated your servers,

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Re: Unable to make outbound calls to off net Phones

Post by FONGO_mike »

Locking this thread as this topic is already discussed at length in other threads. Main thread can be found here.
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