Port Request - Time Required & Follow-Ups From Staff

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Just Passing Thru
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Port Request - Time Required & Follow-Ups From Staff

Post by wwwKris »

Wondering if anyone can comment on how long it took to port a number over to Fongo Works and what type of follow-ups they received from Fongo staff during the port process.

I recently initiated a port request and paid the fee. I received an email from Fongo support asking for some additional information one day after initiating the request. I provided that information but it's now been two weeks and I haven't heard anything from the support team despite repeated requests for an update.

Have other experienced the same thing in terms of the lack or follow-up? Did the support staff eventually reach out? How long did the port take?

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Re: Port Request - Time Required & Follow-Ups From Staff

Post by bridonca »

I cannot give you a good answer because I am a customer, just like you. But I have had a similar problem with customer support, and it took a couple of months to resolve.

I wanted to do a port and swap some numbers. The port worked rather quickly, but the swap took a while.

I can only guess that anything that is automated gets done quickly, anything that requires the attention of a tech, takes a bit longer.

I ended up sending a message once a week to Fongo support, and eventually I got what needed to get done. I am not sure if the multiple tickets helped, or if it was going to take the time it took. The tech responsible could have been on vacation for all I know.

In any case you should open another ticket just in case you were forgotten. I would not spam tickets, but I think once a week is appropriate.
Just Passing Thru
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Re: Port Request - Time Required & Follow-Ups From Staff

Post by wwwKris »

bridonca wrote:I ended up sending a message once a week to Fongo support, and eventually I got what needed to get done.
Following up via a new ticket once a week sound reasonable to me too - I'll take that approach. Multiple tickets related to the same request must be a pain for Fongo support staff but, if there's no follow-up, the options are limited. Thanks for the reply!
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Re: Port Request - Time Required & Follow-Ups From Staff

Post by pmiller_ca »

Hi, I recently signed up for Fongo Works and paid to have a local and 3 long distance numbers ported over to Fongo. The port of my local number has taken place but I have received no confirmation about the port of my LD numbers. I am very concerned that I'm going to lose my LD numbers or that my customers will not be able to reach me on these numbers since they seem to be in limbo. I've left 2 support requests with Fongo over the last 3 days and I'm hearing nothing back. Very concerned!! This may have been a very bad idea.