Can't receive messages

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Just Passing Thru
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Joined: 01/27/2016
Computer OS: Mac OS 10.10.5
Router: Linksys PAP2T

Can't receive messages

Post by Henri9009 »

Hi to all!

Everything works fine, except that I can't receive messages.

When I call myself on my Fongo Works number, I here my answering message right, but there's no tone at the end... and after a certain time, I hear "no input so far", even if I speak (anyway, there would be a tone, it's obvious).

I tried a couple of options in the "Call Handling" section, but no success so far.

Thanks for your help!
Just Passing Thru
Posts: 9
Joined: 01/27/2016
Computer OS: Mac OS 10.10.5
Router: Linksys PAP2T

Re: Can't receive messages

Post by Henri9009 »

You can delete this topic above. Finally, Works was not the right thing for me. I'm going for the Fongo application service.

I tried to delete the topic, but it doesn't seem possible.
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Re: Can't receive messages

Post by Jake »

It's usually best to leave this sort of thing. Others might come with the same problem and if enough people mention it they might start taking notice. :)

Sorry it didn't work out for you though, but it seems like you might have found a solution anyway.
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