PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

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PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by threehappypenguins »

I live in Halifax area, Nova Scotia and I have been waiting and waiting for Halifax numbers to be available. I would really like to port my number to you guys, but I still can't. When are you, or are you ever going to start doing this?
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by bridonca »

As a fellow Haligonian, I feel for you. I decided to get a Calgary number, and wait it out.

I have no inside knowledge on the matter, but I am guessing you will not see any Halifax numbers until the new 782 area code will be introduced to NS and PEI in 2014.
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by nauru »

2014 has come and gone.

So that's at least 3 years this issue has been ignored without explanation.

All we'd like is an update and an actual explanation of how things are coming in terms of Nova Scotia service, or what is causing a problem. Surely that's not too much to ask?
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by FONGO_jeff »

nauru wrote:2014 has come and gone.

Why is it that this question about Halifax and Nova Scotia service is consistently ignored by FPL and Fongo staff? Don't your clients deserve at least a response that answers people's questions? If there's a technical item you're struggling with, please let people know. But frankly, being ignored for years isn't appreciated. People have been asking politely and enthusiastically about this for over three years as far as I can tell from forum posts, is it so hard to just have a dialog? Isn't that what the forum is for?

All we'd like is an update and an explanation of how things are coming, or what is causing a problem. Surely that's not too much to ask?
Hello, it is not being ignored, there just anything that we have to report. The fact is that we are always working to expand our service area and unfortunately, certain areas are not economically viable when you are offering a free, or very low cost service such as ours. I wish I could provide more information, but there just isn't anything to provide, we have no ETA on when service may become available.
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by bridonca »

I have to admit, it is getting a bit pathetic. We got a brand new 782 area code, pretty much empty. How hard would it be for Fibernetics to grab a couple of exchanges?

My only assumption is that the exchanges here are too expensive, and if that is the case, that needs to change. It is just a bunch of numbers after all! Hard to growl at Fibernetics if that is the case of course.
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by FONGO_jeff »

bridonca wrote:I have to admit, it is getting a bit pathetic. We got a brand new 782 area code, pretty much empty. How hard would it be for Fibernetics to grab a couple of exchanges?

My only assumption is that the exchanges here are too expensive, and if that is the case, that needs to change. It is just a bunch of numbers after all! Hard to growl at Fibernetics if that is the case of course.
You've pretty much hit the nail on the head. People seem to think that we are ignoring or punishing people in the Atlantic Provinces as well as Manitoba and Saskatchewan, by not offering service in those areas but we are not. Unfortunately, this is the downside of us offering such low cost services, we can only do it where it is economically feasible. We want to have service in those areas and allow you to give us your money as much as you want us to offer service there, trust me on that :)
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by FONGO_jeff »

Just wanted to add, please don't take my response to mean that we are not working to get into offering service in the major cities we are missing, we are most definitely actively working towards offering service in these areas, I just don't have an ETA. As you may have noticed, we launched Winnipeg yesterday, so we are making progress.
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FPL Numbers for Halifax, NS?! Please?!

Post by threehappypenguins »


I've been waiting a couple of years, and still I cannot port my Halifax, Nova Scotia number to freephoneline. When is FPL/Fongo going to make Halifax numbers available? You would have my business instantly.
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by threehappypenguins »

I just don't understand how Halifax isn't low cost. I have Anveo, which costs me $40 a year and I was able to port my Halifax number in (technically Dartmouth). Why is it that Anveo can and you can't? Anveo is pretty cheap. I just don't like their customer service, and I had to rig my Obi202 by putting in my in-law's secondary voipmuch account so I could use their 811 feature (which Anveo does not have). We like 811. Saves us trips to the emergency!
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by threehappypenguins »

Just got off the phone with with CRTC. If the prices are truly high here, then Fongo needs to contact CRTC with a complaint so something can be done.

The Dartmouth office is 902-426-7997. Please call them, FONGO_jeff if what you are saying is accurate.
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by FONGO_jeff »

threehappypenguins wrote:Just got off the phone with with CRTC. If the prices are truly high here, then Fongo needs to contact CRTC with a complaint so something can be done.

The Dartmouth office is 902-426-7997. Please call them, FONGO_jeff if what you are saying is accurate.
That just isn't how it works, I can't just call up the CRTC. I am not saying the pricing is higher there, or if it is, that it cannot work for us. I am talking about economical feasibility in general, meaning, getting the network infrastructure in place, planning, testing, carrier agreements, etc. It's being worked on and that's all I can say about it.
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by ckkatan »

threehappypenguins wrote:I just don't understand how Halifax isn't low cost. I have Anveo, which costs me $40 a year and I was able to port my Halifax number in (technically Dartmouth). Why is it that Anveo can and you can't? Anveo is pretty cheap. I just don't like their customer service, and I had to rig my Obi202 by putting in my in-law's secondary voipmuch account so I could use their 811 feature (which Anveo does not have). We like 811. Saves us trips to the emergency!
You will most likely not getting the 811 service via FPL unless you mapped it in your dial plan. As far as I know, the only available x11 service offered by FPL are 611 and 911. All other x11 services will have to be mapped by the user (unless it has been requested by the owner). I have mapped 311 (City) and 511 (MTO highway info) services myself. :(
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by bridonca »

threehappypenguins wrote:I just don't understand how Halifax isn't low cost. I have Anveo, which costs me $40 a year and I was able to port my Halifax number in (technically Dartmouth). Why is it that Anveo can and you can't? Anveo is pretty cheap. I just don't like their customer service, and I had to rig my Obi202 by putting in my in-law's secondary voipmuch account so I could use their 811 feature (which Anveo does not have). We like 811. Saves us trips to the emergency!
I know this one. Anveo leases their Halifax phone numbers from Iristel, so does Magicjack, Skype, and various other VOIP providers.

Fongo's parent company, Fibernetics, is a company that acts much like Iristel. Fibernetics owns exchanges, they do not lease from anyone, because leased numbers cost money, and severely restrict flexibility. Fongo/Freephoneline is not Fibernetic's core business. Fongo/Freephoneline came to be because Fibernetics had to figure out what to do with the excess phone numbers it had once they cherry picked the good ones like (xxx) xxx-taxi or (xxx) xxx-0000 or other desirable number businesses would pay a premium for.

So what does that have to do with no numbers in Halifax for Fibernetics? My guess is dirty politics. Here is an example, Inverness, Nova Scotia has 3 exchanges, the area might have 1000 people. So get this, there are 30000 numbers for 1000 people? All of them are Aliant exchanges, BTW. Talk about stacking the deck!

My guess is the incumbent telcos in Nova Scotia are running out of excuses not to let Fibernetics in, and eventually there will be a Halifax exchange for Fibernetics.
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Re: PLEASE Provide Halifax Phone Numbers!!!

Post by Fongo_Joe »