about FPL 911 service fee

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about FPL 911 service fee

Post by msun »

This is for freephoneline service. I searched "911" within forums and found nothing. so I would like to post a topic regarding to the 911 fee.
I understood:
- there is cost for calling 911 service
- people usually have cell phone as backup

but I still would like to make following suggestions for FPL team to consider:
- keep existing $35 dollars rule.
- add an alternative for those people who willing to pay a little fee for 911 service.
e.g. create an annually 911 service package (example $12(a)/year), if people subscribe the package, then they can get free 911 calls for up to 5(b) times, after that, they will pay 5(c) dollars per 911 call.
* above a,b,c values are just examples.

if FPL provide this kind of package, although I haven't called 911 before, I'm still interested in buying it because I'd like to call 911 from any phone in my house.
I'm not sure FPL can get benefit from this kind of package or not. but if FPL consider providing this kind of service, it is better also to consider providing a 911 testing number (e.g. 999) to reduce using real 911 to make testing calls.
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Re: about FPL 911 service fee

Post by bridonca »

I do not see what you propose happening anytime soon, because there is very little benefit to most Fongo users, or the bottom line of the company. If you believe you will be in need of 911, using ANY VOIP 911 service is never a good idea. Too many points of failure. You can get any cell phone for cheap, unactivated, and still make reliable, and free 911 calls. If you have no other phone, and you actually need to make a 911 call, the service is still there with Fongo, and it is $35 well spent. As most Fongo users have no use for 911, and there are already various better alternatives available, the current solution Fongo has implemented, and it's cost structure appears to be the best one.
Just Passing Thru
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Re: about FPL 911 service fee

Post by msun »

Hi Bridonca,Thanks for your reply. Understood your opinions.
The purpose of my suggestion is to provide existing and potential FPL users a choice.
As a developer, I think it is a cool feature to be implemented as well :)
Anyway, I use FPL for a while but not realize the $35 911 fee until recently. But I still believe FPL provide good services!
Just hope someday in the future FPL can provide suggested service and gain benefit from it.

At this time, for those who would like to try similar service:
I just found out that if you use OBI ATA, you may subscribe similar service provided by anveo, about $15USD/year without applying DID. I may give it a try to see how it works.

by the way, just realize this discussion is under "Fongo Home Phone", can anybody move it to "suggestions" under "freephoneline"?