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Dialpad for PC non-responsive

Posted: 07/04/2012
by abmanial
hi the dialpad of the dell voice software for my pic will not respond. i've reinstalled it and it's the same. i click on the dialpad numbers and no number shows up; i click the numbers with numlock on on my keyboard but again nothing shows up. when i click letters on my keyboard, however, they do show up.

the only way i can dial numbers is through the contacts option where i save a phone number then double click it to call. the functionality of the actual service is okay as i can make and receive calls. can anyone help thx?

Re: Dialpad for PC non-responsive

Posted: 07/04/2012
by TheHardy
Known problem with DV and certain java versions --- the thread for this is located here: ... it=dv+java

Much has been talked about, there is a temporary fix by rolling BACK your java version ... or as you say, using the contacts menu to dial out.

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Re: Dialpad for PC non-responsive

Posted: 07/05/2012
by FONGO_mike
Locking thread as topic is already discussed in multiple other threads.