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Problem calling FPL numbers

Posted: 12/02/2009
by Jake
I have a bit of a strange problem that I need help with.

I have had my FPL set up for a while now, and it works perfectly. Last weekend I set a friend up with his number. I tested the line using his existing rogers landline and cell phones to make sure everything was OK, which it was. The problem comes when he tries to call my FPL number using his FPL number, or I try to call him on his FPL using mine.

I can still call his number from my cell and the call works perfectly. Like wise when he calls me from his cell I get the call. It is just when we try and call each other using FPL.

When I try and call him, I get his answer phone straight away. When he calls me he tells me he gets a busy tone. Again, this is only when using FPL to call each other. Cell phones and landline numbers both work fine.

Any ideas??


Re: Problem calling FPL numbers

Posted: 12/08/2009
by illaguiss
Set the option " use prefered codec " to NO, on both ATA.


Re: Problem calling FPL numbers

Posted: 12/08/2009
by FONGO_steve
illaguiss wrote:Set the option " use prefered codec " to NO, on both ATA.

Keep in mind that can cause future problems. I had a client once where his was set to 'no' and people in certain geographical regions were unable to reach him. How or why, I don't know.

Re: Problem calling FPL numbers

Posted: 02/08/2010
by HP88
After using FPL that was running Siphon app on iPhone using 3g Unrestrictor and Backgrounder, the ATA phone does not work even after teh Siphon was disabled on the iPhone. After I reset the ATA, then I can call back into the ATA again, it works. However, when I go back to Siphon again, there is no connection. Any suggestion as to why this happens?

Re: Problem calling FPL numbers

Posted: 02/09/2010
by FONGO_kris
This is because does not have multi-device support, once you're registered with one device, you cannot register more without complications (or sever tweaking). I am guessing what is happening is since your iPhone is answering it is knocking the other device and it is staying offline until you re-register it, then knocking off your iPhone.