Voice Mail forwarding/copying to multiple email addresses

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Voice Mail forwarding/copying to multiple email addresses

Post by godot2012 »

I wonder if the voice mail to email feature could be enhanced to be configurable with more than one email address and simultaneous delivery. I could use this feature in my home.

Not a "must have" rather a "nice to have" enhancement.
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Re: Voice Mail forwarding/copying to multiple email addresse

Post by Funkytown »

godot2012 wrote:I wonder if the voice mail to email feature could be enhanced to be configurable with more than one email address and simultaneous delivery. I could use this feature in my home.

Not a "must have" rather a "nice to have" enhancement.

I think you can do this with Gmail if you have an account and then have Gmail auto forward the voice/email to all your other email accounts, but i could be wrong.
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Re: Voice Mail forwarding/copying to multiple email addresse

Post by godot2012 »

Even if you can, I don't like to scratch my left ear with my right hand. Band aid work arounds are OK for techies, but not for the average folks. This is my case; if a call is directed to voice mail, the notification message is sent to my email address. It is OK if I am at home or on line or whatever. But if I am not, (i.e. I am travelling) my wife would never know about the missed call. If the notification could be sent to two email addresses the problem would be solved.

I say what a clever idea!
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Re: Voice Mail forwarding/copying to multiple email addresse

Post by dphythian »

Try entering both emails in the same box, separated by a comma. I'm on FPL and it works perfectly for me.
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Re: Voice Mail forwarding/copying to multiple email addresse

Post by Funkytown »

dphythian wrote:Try entering both emails in the same box, separated by a comma. I'm on FPL and it works perfectly for me.
Thanks for the tip, others might want to do the same so I made a small tutorial, I gave dphythian credit: http://forum.fongo.com/viewtopic.php?p=46936#p46936
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Re: Voice Mail forwarding/copying to multiple email addresse

Post by godot2012 »

Brilliant idea, it works.

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Let me add a plus for my account email.

Post by pete_fpl »

I have a phone number and my mother has a phone number. I manage her account, so having email+mom@gmail.com as her account email would be great. Any chance of this happening?
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Re: Let me add a plus for my account email.

Post by Jake »

pete_fpl wrote:I have a phone number and my mother has a phone number. I manage her account, so having email+mom@gmail.com as her account email would be great. Any chance of this happening?
Is this for logging in, or for receiving emails when a voicemail is left?

If it is for logging in online, I can't see that happening.
If it is for receiving emails when a voicemail is left, as in this post you can just separate the email addresses by a comma (not a coma as in the thread :D ) http://forum.fongo.com/viewtopic.php?p=46936#p46936