Fongo powers free calling solutions for a number of brands. This forum includes information and tips on all of those offerings. Note that your specific services may vary based on the specific Fongo product that you're using.
Here you can post your own working configurations of hardware or software to share with other users who may be using the same device!
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Forum rules DISCLAIMER
This forum is for those users who have already purchased a configuration file with the SIP settings needed to configure any SIP compatible device.
1. Please use this forum only as a means to share your configuration advice and guides for ATA devices and SIP clients that you are using with our service.
2. For any questions relating to device configuration, please use the other forum sections or post your question directly in the device topic that your question is meant for.
3. Please title your topics with only the name and model of your device so users can easily find the information they need.
4. Preferable format for posting here is compressing your screenshots of your successfully configured device into a .zip file, and post a brief description of the configuration.
Recently for the past month, my registration state: login cannot connect to server, then I unplug wait 5 minutes and replug and it connects and works. After a couple of days, I get the same problem saying my connection problems and have to unplug and replug all over again. It has been working flawlessly for a year till now, I don't know if its a device problem or something else.
I had the one-way audio issue and got it to work by changing proxy to
I was reading this topic and tried many things,
port forward / DMZ
change display name to something without special characters
change codec to G729a
It seems like the above troubleshooting steps don't work your router is "garbage". (Actually saw this term used in multiple topics, rofl .. ). The Airport Extreme does things for me that other routers don't do very easily or effectively, so I'm not throwing it in the trash very soon, thanks.
I guess it would have been nice to know my router was "garbage" before I spent $50 on the unlock for this VOIP service. Yeah yeah, disclaimer says "no support", but perhaps FPL/Fongo should warn people they need to have some fancy business grade router that meets the standard of your forum moderators, and a highly advanced knowledge of networking too.
Sorry to vent..and I'm at least happy now to have it working.
Should I open a support ticket to see if there was something on your end?
5060/5061 UDP and 10000-20000 UDP say they are open for my ATA.
I can understand the sting of finding out your $150 router being called garbage. And the router might have other admirable traits. Sadly the ability to route VOIP packets properly is not one of them.
I tend to be the one that judges a router so harshly. Call me a crank, which I am, but there is no excuse for any firmware not being able to properly route packets, especially $150 routers.
I am not against using If it works, I am happy for you. but if the router was able to do it's job properly, you would not have that issue.
I just switched from using the Thomson DCM475 modem and D-Link Router to Rogers Internet using Advanced Modem Hitron CGN3 modem/router. Well, well, my Linksys PAP2T ATA supporting freephoneline no longer works. Dialing out does not give a dial tone and any calls in, is directed to voicemail. Do I need to re-configure my ATA adapter, or do I need to work on my new Modem/Router settings.
Hope it is not on of those Port Forwarding solution as I read somewhere else that it should not be required. Appreciate your advice. Thanks!
I just switched from using the Thomson DCM475 modem and D-Link Router to Rogers Internet using Advanced Modem Hitron CGN3 modem/router. Well, well, my Linksys PAP2T ATA supporting freephoneline no longer works. Dialing out does not give a dial tone and any calls in, is directed to voicemail. Do I need to re-configure my ATA adapter, or do I need to work on my new Modem/Router settings.
Hope it is not on of those Port Forwarding solution as I read somewhere else that it should not be required. Appreciate your advice. Thanks!
Hi there,
Hitron CGN3 is not working with VoIP reliably.
Please setup that modem in bridge mode and use a decent wireless router.
Adding the IP of the ATA in DMZ will not help either- you will get dropped calls.
You can also try calling Rogers and ask them to change your Hitron with a Cisco DCP3825
Recently I set up PAP 2T by my own using instruction. Initially I had one way audio so I read all post and I change various setting ( e.g. G711u to G729a, port 5060 to 5061, disable fire wall in my bell 2wire HG-G modem) nothing work lastly I tried and Change SIP to and surprisely everything work fine. Even my firewall is at maximum protection phone work very good with so my question is should I keep same
since last year, my out going call has no caller display. But everything is working fine, like incoming and outgoing audio, incoming caller display are fine. Only outgoing caller display is always showing as BLOCKED when I dial out.
it was working fine ever since until October year.
Posted edited April 10, 2014 - I am unable to remove the original post below so I'm adding this post
pending a request to the Moderator to remove my previous post.
I had registration problems but failed to view these two important pages
that are a MUST READ for users setting up devices for FPL.
The WORD document of settings for Linksys PAP2 is excellent.
Ramjet555a wrote:Again, Free Phone Line would blame our Modem, our Router, for our devices failing to receive calls.
On several occasions, I've emailed and minutes later, the phones came alive again.
Now, with no changes to Router, a very fine WRT54G with DDWRT in it, I'm not getting any calls while
Call Centric and Penny tel work fine on the same devices.
I'm luck to have a Cisco SPA525G2 with 5 lines that shows a green light, or an orange light if a registration issue arises.
I'm stunned at how often the FreePhoneLines are Orange or not receiving calls while other providers never have a problem.
Free Phone Line sucks especially when it comes to providing configuration details that have to be found on other sites.
This Forum sucks, its riddled with posts that deny any problem and all such problems are due to anyone and everyone
other than Free Phone Line.
It is what you call Corporate Delinquency.
Hi there,
Thank you so much for your feedback- this has been passed to our management team.
In terms of the issue you have reported, please try to work with the support team and I am sure they will assist you to resolve.
Regarding the other comments you made about the Forums, I am sorry you feel that way. Some people will be helped here directly- others will need to open a support ticket.
While part of my post was relevant, lines were dead until FPL activated it , I later discovered thanks to
Cosman in support that many of my settings were incorrect which I later discovered was the cause
of my registration problems and NOT FPL.
I missed the key links that are on the forum which I'll post again as essential reading.
The WORD document of settings for Linksys PAP2 is excellent.
I'm having a problem I found many on here have, but I feel my problem is on Fongo's end.
I'm working with 2 numbers/accounts with Fongo.
One has been active for a few years and works here with the hardware I specified.
The second number is newly activated today, and so far everything seems to work fine, but I can't hear anything the person says from the other end, although they can hear me.
Again, simply changing my UserID and SIP password to the older account, everything works fine.
Entering the UserID and SIP password for the new account, I can't hear anything the person says from the other end.
Old account is under the name Trent Antille
New account is under the name Audrey Bechamp.
tantille wrote:Hi,
I'm having a problem I found many on here have, but I feel my problem is on Fongo's end.
I'm working with 2 numbers/accounts with Fongo.
One has been active for a few years and works here with the hardware I specified.
The second number is newly activated today, and so far everything seems to work fine, but I can't hear anything the person says from the other end, although they can hear me.
Again, simply changing my UserID and SIP password to the older account, everything works fine.
Entering the UserID and SIP password for the new account, I can't hear anything the person says from the other end.
Old account is under the name Trent Antille
New account is under the name Audrey Bechamp.
Thanks for any help.
Power down the router, modem, and ATA, and power them up again. Is suspect the new account will work, kind of.
I believe what is happening is both Fongo accounts are competing for the same incoming RTP ports. The older account seems to be winning. Fortunately, there is an easy fix, find some unused ports and set them as RTP ports for the new account on the ATA. get the router to forward these ports to the ATA.
I powered them down and same issue. Everything still seems to work, except I can't hear the other person talk.
By the way...only one box/account is running here at one time.
tantille wrote:I powered them down and same issue. Everything still seems to work, except I can't hear the other person talk.
By the way...only one box/account is running here at one time.
I wonder if anyone can help me get my bearings...been using my linksys Pap2t with freephoneline for I get home and am told phone is not working.
Tried to reset the adapter and modem and etc without luck.
My adapter is flashing the following pattern (it is not my video, but adapter is flashing in the exact same way):
I don't know the terminology of how to explain the flashing sequence, but was wondering if anyone could tell me if my adapter is bricked and I need a new one...or if there is something else I can do.