[Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

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[Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by emporium »

Fongo home phone has been working fine for a little over a month. Then all of a sudden this morning, my mom can make outgoing calls, but can't receive any. They all go to voicemail direct as if she is offline.

I modified her profile, and setup a "follow-me" number to go to "only when offline", and at least now they go to her fongo mobile number until the issue is fixed, but it is annoying for an elderly woman.

The ATA was not set up initially to auto provision. Last month when she switched to fongo home phones, a tech remotely connected, upgraded to latest firmware from the Grandstream website, and then set things up manually (SIP server to sip2.fongo.com port 6060). I find this strange since this means if they are having issues with a specific server they can't just remotely switch users to a new server through the autoprovisioning server. This is a patch instead of fixing the actual problem.

Coincidently today, I use freephoneline and I am was having the same issues. In my case, I managed to get things working for freephoneline by just switching from voip4:6060 server to voip2:5060 for freephoneline. My freephoneline has been working fine for nearly a decade. Coincidence that incoming calls are not redirected properly and go straight to voicemail on BOTH fongo home phone and freephoneline, on 2 different accounts, in different homes without any changes made to our end ?

Only reason I realized this was because I started getting a bunch of voicemails in my email (since I have voicemails copied to my email).

Anyone else having issues with incoming calls with Fongo Home phone ?
According to their "status" page, all is working fine (ya sure).

I opened a ticket a little over 5 hours ago and still not a response.
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Re: Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

emporium wrote: 12/19/2024
The ATA was not set up initially to auto provision. Last month when she switched to fongo home phones, a tech remotely connected, upgraded to latest firmware from the Grandstream website, and then set things up manually (SIP server to sip2.fongo.com port 6060). I find this strange since this means if they are having issues with a specific server they can't just remotely switch users to a new server through the autoprovisioning server.
That is interesting if they can't make the change through the provisioning server. I wasn't aware of that. Did you happen to ask whether switching servers must be done manually or was this method used due to them not being able get the ATA provisioned properly (unable for the ATA to connect to the provisioning server) in the first place?
This is a patch instead of fixing the actual problem.
The function of the servers that use UDP 6060 is to help circumvent SIP ALG (which monitors traffic over UDP 5060 and can mangle SIP signalling), which is point B from viewtopic.php?p=78976#p78976. Also refer to point 1 from viewtopic.php?p=78975#p78975. That's a limitation of the ISP's router if SIP ALG is stuck on with no way for the customer to disable it (or if the ISP happens to purposely block connections over UDP 5060, which is rare in Canada) and not because the servers that use UDP 5060 aren't functioning as intended.
Coincidently today, I use freephoneline and I am was having the same issues. In my case, I managed to get things working for freephoneline by just switching from voip4:6060 server
I just tested a few Freephoneline accounts on voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060. Incoming calls work. If switching servers worked for you, one of three possibilities exist: 1) UDP timeout values aren't set properly in the router (for many, those values are impossible to change). Refer to point D from viewtopic.php?p=78976#p78976 and the post below it. Changing local SIP port (X_UserAgentPort or step 12 from viewtopic.php?p=80552#p80552 in Obihai ATAs) used in the ATA may work instead, and if it does that indicates a corrupted NAT association developed between the user's router and ATA (or SIP device used). 2) Registration, for whatever reason was lost (this can be due to an intermittent ISP issue: refer to step 23 from viewtopic.php?p=80552#p80552). 3) There could be a server issue that I am unable to encounter right now.

Note that I'm referring to Freephoneline specifically since I have no way of viewing the (locked) ATA settings used by Fongo Home Phone. I don't know what the NAT Keep-Alive interval and what the failed registration retry interval are, so I can't recommend UDP timeout values for Fongo Home Phone users.

If there was a server issue with voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060, I am not experiencing it currently. I am able to test more Freephoneline accounts, but I doubt doing so is useful.

By the way, sip2.fongo.com and voip4.freephoneline.ca are the same server: they both resolve to
My freephoneline has been working fine for nearly a decade.
After looking at one of your other threads/posts (viewtopic.php?p=78892#p78892), I am reminded that ISPs sometimes push firmware updates to Hubs, Gateways, or modem/router combos that re-enable SIP ALG if it's been disabled or completely reset the modem/router combo so that it is no longer in bridge mode.
Coincidence that incoming calls are not redirected properly and go straight to voicemail on BOTH fongo home phone and freephoneline, on 2 different accounts, in different homes without any changes made to our end
I haven't been registered on voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060 all day long, so I am unable to speculate. However, I am not currently having problems with it. I'll leave one of my IP phones registered on voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060 until tomorrow morning to see whether I experience incoming call issues.

Anyone else having issues with incoming calls with Fongo Home phone ?
An acquaintance uses Fongo Home Phone. Incoming calls are working and have never stopped working today. I'm pretty sure that user isn't on sip2.fongo.com:6060 though.

I opened a ticket a little over 5 hours ago and still not a response.
Immediate ticket responses will rarely occur with Fongo. It's now after hours. Support hours are 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. EST on weekdays only. They are not obliged to respond on the these user-to-user forums.

Visit https://status.fongo.com/.
If "Support System" indicates "Partial Outage", ticket response time can take up to a week.

Fongo Support tickets can be submitted at

You can check your ticket status by logging in at
https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests. That's an account for tickets
(zendesk) only and is completely separate from your Fongo Home Phone account or
any other Fongo account you may have. If you don't have a zendesk account yet, click "Sign Up" after visiting the link.
Use the same email address that you use to submit tickets. Do not use the same password as your Fongo Home Phone
account. Again, these accounts are unrelated.

Support staff does not respond to tickets on weekends or Canadian holidays.
Support hours are 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. EST. They are not obliged to respond
on the these user-to-user forums.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

Fongo does have https://twitter.com/Fongo_Support. I'm not sure if anyone
there responds to direct messages.

Similarly, they appear to be on Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/FongoMobile/. I don't know whether they'll respond to you there.

Visit https://support.fongo.com/hc/en-us/arti ... -Complaint
for information on ticket escalation.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

emporium wrote: 12/19/2024
I modified her profile, and setup a "follow-me" number to go to "only when offline", and at least now they go to her fongo mobile number until the issue is fixed, but it is annoying for an elderly woman.
While waiting for Fongo to respond, I would try this: turn off modem, router, and Grandstream ATA. Turn on modem. Wait for it to be fully up and running first. Turn on router. Wait for router to be fully up and transmitting data first. Lastly, turn on Grandstream ATA after everything else is up and running. That's always the proper device boot order. The ATA should always be booted last in the chain. 1. Modem (wait) -->2. Router (wait)-->3. SIP device.

See if that helps. If that works, it does suggest NAT association/corruption developed between the router and the ATA.

If the problem persists tomorrow without a response, private message me with the ticket number.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by emporium »

Thank you for your reply. Much appreciated.

For the ATA, I find it strange that they could not autoprovision it. I tried it at 3 different homes (family and friends), all 3 with different ISP and modem/router combinations. My suspicion is that the ATA was NOT configured. And even when the tech first connected, the first thing he did was connect to the grandstream web site. Download the latest firmware, and update it with the stock firmware downloaded directly from grandstream. I still have the BIN file on mom's desktop :)

At my mom's where the issue is with fongo home phone, she uses Fizz for her home internet (same as myself), and her modem is in Bridge mode, since she is using an ASUS router, and I did try to toggle the SIP ALG option on and off on the router (since I think on ASUS routers the option is reversed), and had made no difference. And the tech did not even try to use the regular SIP server, he just used sip2:6060 directly. Did not even try to fix the auto provisioning issue.

I had tried mom's ATA at my place also (turning off my ATA to ensure no conflict), and my modem is in bridge mode also, but I am using a pfSense based router and I can confirm that that has not been upgraded in a while (on my to-do list).

And when it happened this morning, I rebooted everything, just to make sure.

Anyhow, I will try to switch back tomorrow morning to voip4 on my freephoneline and check to see if it works or if I still get same issue.
I know mom for now, still can;t receive calls. I'll try to swing by her place tomorrow and try a few more things.

pretty sure if I reset the ATA, I could log into it, and reconfigure the SIP server and possibly even set it to the sip:5060 server which I assume is the standard one. But before I try that, I will let fongo support chime in.

I'll post back or PM you with my findings. Much appreciated.
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Re: Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

emporium wrote: 12/19/2024 And even when the tech first connected, the first thing he did was connect to the grandstream web site. Download the latest firmware, and update it with the stock firmware downloaded directly from grandstream.
It's possible that the ATA's firmware version needs to match one that is approved by Fongo before provisioning is permitted (I don't know, but it seems plausible). Regardless, "Firmware Server Path", in the Grandstream ATA's "Advanced Settings" tab, is supposed to be specified as "fm.grandstream.com/gs", and "Always Check for New Firmware at Bootup" is supposed to be enabled. So, it also seems strange that a firmware upgrade would have to be done manually.

I'm not sure what happened.
At my mom's where the issue is with fongo home phone, she uses Fizz for her home internet (same as myself), and her modem is in Bridge mode
Okay, bridge mode is supposed to be enabled as follows:

Open an Internet browser, and enter in the address bar.
Identify yourself using the following login information.
Username: cusadmin
Password: **enter your Wi-Fi password**
Select Basic
Select Gateway
Disable the option ''Residential Gateway function''
Click "Ok"

https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-can-i-use-my ... outer-fizz

I recommend checking to see whether the Residential Gateway function didn't suddenly become enabled.

If Residential Gateway function is disabled, then disabling SIP ALG shouldn't matter. Keep SIP ALG disabled, otherwise:

A. Open an Internet browser, and enter in the address bar.
B. Login
Username: cusadmin
Password: **enter your Wi-Fi password**
C. Select Basic Settings
D. Select Gateway Function tab
E. Select Disabled for SIP ALG
F. Save changes.

since she is using an ASUS router
If supported, I suggest using Asuswrt-Merlin firmware: https://www.asuswrt-merlin.net/.

When using official Asus router firmware, SIP ALG is called SIP Passthrough (Navigate to Advanced Settings–>WAN–>NAT Passthrough). Disable SIP Passthrough.

In Asuswrt-Merlin, also disable SIP Passthrough.

Then click the "Apply" button.

Also, For Asus router users, first login to your router’s web UI.
Navigate to Advanced Settings–>Administration–>System (tab)–>Basic Config–>
Change “Enable WAN down browser redirect notice” to "No".
Click “Apply”. That fixes potential problems with ATAs attempting to register with
when it's booted before the ISP's modem is fully up and running first (after a power outage, for example).
However, "Enable WAN down browser redirect notice" is not related to your mother's present issue with incoming calls not working.

Click "Apply".

Reboot router. Wait for it to be fully up and running. Afterwards, power cycle (power off and then on) ATA.

And the tech did not even try to use the regular SIP server, he just used sip2:6060 directly. Did not even try to fix the auto provisioning issue.
I am using a pfSense based router
UDP Multiple is UDP Assured
UDP Single is UDP Unreplied
Based on https://www.netgate.com/docs/pfsense/bo ... l-nat.html

i) Login to pfSense GUI.
ii) Navigate to System-->Advanced-->Firewall & NAT-->Firewall Optimization Options
Scroll down to "State Timeouts".
iii) Change UDP First (udp.first) to 115 seconds if the failed registration retry timer (RegisterRetryInterval in Obihai ATAs) in your ATA or IP Phone in your ATA or IP Phone is 120 seconds for Freephoneline.
iv) Change UDP Single (udp.single) to 15 seconds if the NAT Keep-alive Interval (for Obihai ATAs this is X_KeepAliveExpires) in your ATA or IP Phone is 20 seconds for Freephoneline.
iv) Change UDP Multiple (udp.multiple) to 115 seconds if the failed registration (RegisterRetryInterval in Obihai ATAs) retry timer in your ATA or IP Phone in your ATA or IP Phone is 120 seconds for Freephoneline.
v) Save settings
And when it happened this morning, I rebooted everything, just to make sure
The problem still seems NAT firewall/SIP ALG (probably not if bridge mode is enabled in the Fizz gateway and SIP ALG is disabled in the router)/UDP timeout-related to me. It's less likely (but possible) to be an intermittent internet issue (step 23 from viewtopic.php?t=20534) or intermittent server load (congestion) issue; if so, it doesn't make sense that outbound calls consistently work.

Ensure incoming test calls are being done by non-VoIP services to ensure the caller isn't causing the problem due to a configuration issue on the caller's end.

It's possible there was a server issue with voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060 (I speculate congestion), but if there was, I'm not experiencing a problem right now for incoming calls. sip2.fongo.com:6060 is the same server, and I don't see why outbound calls would work consistently.

I know mom for now, still can;t receive calls.
Does the following still not work for her? I would try this: turn off modem, router, and Grandstream ATA. Turn on modem. Wait for it to be fully up and running first. Turn on router. Wait for router to be fully up and transmitting data first. Lastly, turn on Grandstream ATA after everything else is up and running. That's always the proper device boot order. The ATA should always be booted last in the chain. 1. Modem (wait) -->2. Router (wait)-->3. SIP device (ATA)

pretty sure if I reset the ATA, I could log into it, and reconfigure the SIP server and possibly even set it to the sip:5060 server which I assume is the standard one
I think it's sip.fongo.com:5060 (without the 2 after "sip"). That's the same server as voip3.freephoneline.ca:5060. Freephoneline users can't use that server without getting an account block.
I'll post back or PM you with my findings. Much appreciated.
If your mom's phone service still doesn't work by 11 a.m. EST on Dec. 20th, PM me the ticket number. I don't work for Fongo, but I definitely don't want an elderly parent to not have a working home phone service.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

Also, for your mom's Grandstream HT-801, dial *79 to disable Do Not Disturb. It’s possible to accidentally dial a star code and enable Do Not Disturb (all incoming calls will drop directly to Fongo Home Phone’s voicemail system when DND is enabled).

Similarly, for your Obihai ATA (with Freephoneline), navigate to Voice Services-->SP (used for FPL) Service-->Calling Features

a) Ensure DoNotDisturbEnable is unchecked
b) Ensure CallForwardUnconditionalEnable is unchecked while troubleshooting
c) Ensure CallForwardOnBusyEnable is unchecked while troubleshooting
d) Ensure CallForwardOnNoAnswerEnable is unchecked while troubleshooting
e) Ensure AnonymousCallBlockEnable is unchecked
Submit/Save changes if any were made.

The Obihai ATA troubleshooting guide you should be using for incoming call issues is located at viewtopic.php?t=20534.

Actually, I'm up now. If your mom still can't receive incoming calls after going through the troubleshooting steps from the posts above, PM me the ticket number, please. voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060 (which is also sip2.fongo.com:6060) is still working for me for incoming calls at 8:00 a.m. EST.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by dbco »

Since yesterday morning (Dec 19) we found that all calls between Fongo Home Phones (to/from other Fongo Home Phones) are not working. Fongo Home Phones can place/receive calls to/from Cell Phones just fine. But calls from Fongo to Fongo are going straight to voicemail.

I had a friend with Fongo home phone test this last night and he has exact same behavior. We can use Fongo Home Phone to call each other's cell phones. We can use our cell phones to call each other's Fongo home phones. But we cannot use Fongo Home Phone to call Fongo Home Phone, it will go straight to voicemail.

My parents also have Fongo home phone and they have the exact same behavior.

All 3 of us are also have Fizz as our ISP.

We have all rebooted our devices as, it changed nothing.

UPDATE 1: Just found out that my Sister cannot reach any of us on our Fongo home phones from her Cell phone. It goes straight to our voicemail.

UPDATE 2: We have setup the "follow me" numbers to forward incoming calls to our cell phones, and that is working fine. Calls to our Fongo Home phone ARE being forwarded to our cell phones successfully.
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Re: Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

dbco wrote: 12/20/2024 Since yesterday morning (Dec 19) we found that all calls between Fongo Home Phones (to/from other Fongo Home Phones) are not working. All 3 of us are also have Fizz as our ISP.
I wonder whether Fizz pushed a firmware update recently to Hitron CODA-4680s.

1. Regardless, ensure that SIP ALG is disabled:

A. Open an Internet browser, and enter in the address bar.
B. Login
Username: cusadmin
Password: **enter your Wi-Fi password**
C. Select Basic Settings
D. Select Gateway Function tab
E. Select Disabled for SIP ALG
F. Save changes.

G. After the Gateway (modem/router combo) from Fizz is back up and running completely, power cycle (power off and on) the ATA.

H. Test again with incoming calls

2. If that doesn't work, you can try the following briefly (this is a really bad idea to keep the modem/router combo or Fizz gateway in bridge mode if you're not using your own router as well because no firewall will be protecting your devices, including the ATA):

A. Open an Internet browser, and enter in the address bar.
Identify yourself using the following login information.
Username: cusadmin
Password: **enter your Wi-Fi password**
Select Basic
Select Gateway
Disable the option ''Residential Gateway function''
Click "Ok"

https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-can-i-use-my ... outer-fizz

B. After the Hitron CODA-4680 is back up and running fully, power cycle (turn off and on) the ATA.

C. Then test with an incoming call from Fongo Mobile. If that works, then a router feature in Fizz's Hitron CODA-4680 (possibly as a result of firmware update that was pushed recently is causing a problem).

D. Ensure that you re-enable the Residential Gateway Function immediately after testing if you're not using your own separate router in addition to Fizz's Hitron CODA-4680.

Leave SIP ALG disabled, regardless.

To understand why SIP ALG often causes horrible problems, please visit
https://www.voip-info.org/routers-sip-alg/ (scroll down to the section on SIP ALG problems).

If you're dealing with a modem/router combo issued by an ISP or a router with SIP ALG forced on with no way to disable it, you may need to request that Fongo changes servers for you.
dbco wrote: 12/20/2024 Fongo Home Phones can place/receive calls to/from Cell Phones just fine.
What carrier is used for the cell phones? Bell, Rogers, Telus, Videotron, for example?

UPDATE 1: Just found out that my Sister cannot reach any of us on our Fongo home phones from her Cell phone. It goes straight to our voicemail.
What carrier does your sister use?

This problem could be a SIP ALG issue: viewtopic.php?p=78916#p78916. SIP Passthrough is Asus' term for SIP ALG. Get SIP ALG disabled.
EliG wrote: 05/23/2021
SIP Passthrough enabled
* friend's Fido cell: cannot connect
* Fongo app running on iPad: cannot connect
* my Petro-Canada cell: works fine

SIP Passthrough disabled
* all of the above work fine

I find it strange that Fido and Petro-Canada cells behave differently. Both run on Rogers network.

I left SIP Passthrough disabled.
If anyone is using a separate router ensure SIP ALG is disabled in it as well. SIP ALG is called SIP Passthrough in Asus routers. Disable SIP ALG.
Refer to steps 1 and 2 from viewtopic.php?p=78975#p78975.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: [FIZZ ISP] Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Melkotian »

We are having the same issue since yesterday (December 19). When making a call to another fongo phone, call goes directly to voice mail. Calls from another fongo phone to our fongo phone goes directly to my voicemail. Calls made from our fongo phone to a non-fongo phone works normally. Calls from a non fongo phone to my fongo phone work as normal.
We have 2 separate Fongo accounts for 2 different places. Two different phone adapters (HT-701 and HT 801). Rogers is our ISP for both places. Neither one is working. I have submitted a ticket for both places.
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Re: [Fongo to Fongo calls] Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

For what it's worth, I have notified Fongo about this thread.

It's strange that I can't reproduce the problem on voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060, which is the same as sip2.fongo.com:6060 used by some Fongo Home Phone users. Fongo Mobile calls to Freephoneline numbers registered on voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060 (Freephoneline) work on several numbers I tested.

However, I am not a Fongo Home Phone user.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: [Fongo to Fongo calls] Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

Okay, I'm told the problem should be resolved after Fongo restarted a server.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: [Fongo to Fongo calls] Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by dbco »

Liptonbrisk, thanks for your help but PLEASE do not ever tell anyone to Disable the option ''Residential Gateway function'' on their Fizz modem.
It completely kills the wifi and the only way to re-enable it after is to reset the modem to factory settings.

For what it's worth, I tried it and then rebooted everything and it did not fix the problem. Same behavior.

SIP ALG is disabled by default.
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Re: [Fongo to Fongo calls] Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by dbco »

Confirmed the problem has now been fixed!

Thanks for your help Liptonbrisk!
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Re: [Fongo to Fongo calls] Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

dbco wrote: 12/20/2024 Liptonbrisk, thanks for your help but PLEASE do not ever tell anyone to Disable the option ''Residential Gateway function'' on their Fizz modem.
It completely kills the wifi and the only way to re-enable it after is to reset the modem to factory settings.
Disabling Residential Gateway, which is the same as enabling bridge mode, is the only way, generally, to test whether completely disabling router features in a gateway is causing a problem, since some router settings can be hidden or removed from the customer's web interface. It's a valid troubleshooting step (if performed very briefly), but it's dangerous because it leaves everything connected on the LAN unprotected (no firewall). The link I provided to you in my reply above does mention Wi-Fi becomes disabled: https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-can-i-use-my ... outer-fizz ("In bridge mode, the two (2) Wi-Fi radios built into your Fizz Wi-Fi modem will be deactivated, thus disabling its Wi-Fi capabilities"). However, my apologies for not explicitly stating that and not recognizing that people may be connected via Wi-Fi only. I always have a PC or laptop connected via ethernet whenever I'm troubleshooting issues at others' homes, and, yes, that's an oversight on my part.
For what it's worth, I tried it and then rebooted everything and it did not fix the problem. Same behavior.
Fongo claims the problem is resolved now after restarting a server.
SIP ALG is disabled by default.

Okay, that's good. It's also good to check. I wish all modem/router combos had SIP ALG disabled by default--or at least had the option to disable it (Rogers XB7 and XB8 don't according to Rogers tier 2 reps/managers).
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Re: [Fongo to Fongo calls] Suddenly incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

dbco wrote: 12/20/2024 Confirmed the problem has now been fixed!
Thank you for reporting back.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by dbco »

Hi Liptonbrisk,

There is no way to connect to the router ( once the Residential Gateway is disabled, even via ethernet. The only way to turn it back on is to do a factory reset of the modem. So in the very least this means no wifi until the router is reconfigured. I think this a very important point to highlight in your instructions so people know exactly what they're getting into if they chose to do that test. It's not fair to just say "re-enable the Residential Gateway Function immediately after testing". It's really not as simple as that.
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

dbco wrote: 12/20/2024
There is no way to connect to the router ( once the Residential Gateway is disabled, even via ethernet.
The LAN (web UI) IP of the Hitron CODA-4680 should change to in bridge mode. I haven't used Fizz's CODA-4680 before, but I have accessed CODA-4680s with other providers. If Fizz's firmware operates differently, I'd be surprised.

https://forum.fizz.ca/en/discussion/com ... nt_6584302
Mike wrote: Or you can always use the web browser or is for bridge mode.

Edit: I'm seeing a Fizz customer report the same info at https://www.reddit.com/r/FizzMobile/com ... are_button
MikoMorinero wrote: "No need to factory reset. Reboot the modem (unplug/replug) and try again, it should work."
zargex wrote:Yeah, exactly. A normal reboot is enough, but I can access the UI for 1 hour or something like that.
I suspect zargex's old issue is more related to trying to access CODA-4680 after having a NAT hole eventually close after an hour. Regardless, the point is CODA-4680 was accessible after enabling bridge mode.

https://www.reddit.com/r/FizzMobile/com ... are_button
zetvio wrote:Once you are in bridge mode, you can access the web interface with
And Teksavvy states, "Bridge mode:"
https://help.teksavvy.com/teksavvy-faq/ ... kFPq8Le5il
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by dbco »

The Fizz link that describes turning the Residential Gateway Off (https://fizz.ca/en/faq/how-can-i-use-my ... outer-fizz) also has instructions for turning it back on. It states (in Step 2) that "If you want to re-enable the Wi-Fi capability of your Fizz Wi-Fi modem, you'll need to reset it to its factory settings by holding down the reset button on the back of the device for ten (10) seconds".

Once the WIFI went down I plugged directly into the Fizz box using an Ethernet cable. I was able to access the internet just fine. But there was no way to connect back to I tried multiple times, rebooted everything, to no avail. After doing the factory reset it connected to first shot. I don't know what else to tell you.
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by dbco »

Sorry - I tried connecting to after, not Maybe would have worked. I don't know, not going to try it now though. :)
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by emporium »

Sorry for the late reply.

Well, guess the restart of the server helped. Thank you very much for your help.

I personally switched back to voip4 to test and all works (on freephoneline). But this morning (at least at 9am EST mom's Fongo home phone was still doing the same. Around 1ish, I was planning to go over to troubleshoot and guess what, all works now, with no manual changes on her end. I'm assuming the server reboot was between 9am and 1ish today. And guess as soon as it re-registered it worked.

For the provisioning, I also found it odd that the tech downloaded the BIN file direct from grandstream web site, and put it on my desktop and flashed it from there. Anyhow, for now it works, and as long as it continues to work, I don't mind. But tech support got back to me this morning, and one of the options they suggested was to factory reset the ATA. However if it is not provisioned, this would render the ATA completely useless for the average user. For me, not big deal, since I have the required settings that the tech had put in before (sip server, number and name), and I could easily just reenter them. But average user would need a tech to log in again if their unit is not provisioned automatically. And checking a few other forums, looks like I am not alone with manually configure grandstream ATA.

Just for context, mom's Modem is still in bridge mode. And her router is an my old ASUS AC model, running merlin firmware also. I had given her this router, since it was stable for years and her needs were not that much. I am using my modem in bridged mode also, with a pfSense firewall, and a few older Cisco 2802i access points for wifi coverage.

Your constant help and recommendations are VERY much appreciated.

Merry Christmas, and all the best for the new year.
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

dbco wrote: 12/20/2024 But there was no way to connect back to
I've accessed a CODA-4680 before using in bridge mode via ethernet.
Clearly, others have as well, including a Fizz user.

I personally don't find resetting gateways, hubs, modems, etc., difficult, but I will keep your recommendation in mind in the future.
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

dbco wrote: 12/20/2024 Sorry -
No problem
I tried connecting to after, not Maybe would have worked. I don't know, not going to try it now though. :)
I understand.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

emporium wrote: 12/20/2024 Well, guess the restart of the server helped.
That was the fix, at least for Fongo Home Phone users.
Thank you very much for your help.
You're welcome.
I personally switched back to voip4 to test and all works (on freephoneline).
I was testing both Telus and Fongo Mobile calls to Freephoneline numbers registered on voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060, and those calls worked. So, I certainly was unable to reproduce the issue on multiple Freephoneline numbers since yesterday using voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060. I am going to switch back to voip2.freephoneline.ca:5060 though. I prefer letting those that need to use voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060 due to SIP ALG problems (not being able to register using UDP port 5060) use that server.

But this morning (at least at 9am EST mom's Fongo home phone was still doing the same.
Oh, so when voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060 started working for you, your mom's Fongo Home Phone still wasn't, right?
Around 1ish, I was planning to go over to troubleshoot and guess what, all works now, with no manual changes on her end. I'm assuming the server reboot was between 9am and 1ish today.
Shortly after 12 p.m. EST.

Just for context, mom's Modem is still in bridge mode.
And her router is an my old ASUS AC model, running merlin firmware also.
Excellent. SIP Passthrough is probably disabled in it already, but please double check.

Merry Christmas, and all the best for the new year.
Merry Christmas! I also wish you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year!
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by emporium »

Liptonbrisk wrote: 12/20/2024
emporium wrote: 12/20/2024 Well, guess the restart of the server helped.
That was the fix, at least for Fongo Home Phone users.
Well if sip2.fongo is the same server as voip4.freephoneline then probably helped for both.
Liptonbrisk wrote: 12/20/2024 I was testing both Telus and Fongo Mobile calls to Freephoneline numbers registered on voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060, and those calls worked. So, I certainly was unable to reproduce the issue on multiple Freephoneline numbers since yesterday using voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060. I am going to switch back to voip2.freephoneline.ca:5060 though. I prefer letting those that need to use voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060 due to SIP ALG problems (not being able to register using UDP port 5060) use that server.
I'll probably switch to back to voip2 also, since it was working fine. I had forgotten it on voip4, from when I was doing some testing during the initial install of my pfSense firewall, and I guess I just forgot it there.

When I was testing calls into my freephoneline and mom's fongo home phone, I was using 2 fongo mobile numbers (from mine and mom's cell phone), a textplus number, a public mobile cell number, and my google phone number which has an Arizona area code.
Liptonbrisk wrote: 12/20/2024
emporium wrote: 12/20/2024 But this morning (at least at 9am EST mom's Fongo home phone was still doing the same.
Oh, so when voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060 started working for you, your mom's Fongo Home Phone still wasn't, right?
The timing must have been very tight. I changed mine back to voip4, and tested that it worked. Called mom and it did not work for her yet. But I suspect that it started working after her registration expired and it was renewed. I don't recall, but I think the ATA is configured for hourly registration.

Liptonbrisk wrote: 12/20/2024 Shortly after 12 p.m. EST.
Timing sounds about right then.
Liptonbrisk wrote: 12/20/2024
emporium wrote: 12/20/2024 And her router is an my old ASUS AC model, running merlin firmware also.
Excellent. SIP Passthrough is probably disabled in it already, but please double check..
I'll check, but it should be fine.

Thanks again