Can I connect two devices at once?

Here you can post your own working configurations of hardware or software to share with other users who may be using the same device!
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This forum is for those users who have already purchased a configuration file with the SIP settings needed to configure any SIP compatible device.

1. Please use this forum only as a means to share your configuration advice and guides for ATA devices and SIP clients that you are using with our service.
2. For any questions relating to device configuration, please use the other forum sections or post your question directly in the device topic that your question is meant for.
3. Please title your topics with only the name and model of your device so users can easily find the information they need.
4. Preferable format for posting here is compressing your screenshots of your successfully configured device into a .zip file, and post a brief description of the configuration.

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Just Passing Thru
Posts: 8
Joined: 10/30/2013

Can I connect two devices at once?

Post by coolxal »

I currently have my ATA set up with FPL.

I want to input the SIP settings in my Android Phone Dialer, but it's not connecting when I make the call (it shows Internet Calling when I dial).

I unplugged my ATA and tried again with my Android Phone but still no go.