Cisco ATA 186

Here you can post your own working configurations of hardware or software to share with other users who may be using the same device!
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This forum is for those users who have already purchased a configuration file with the SIP settings needed to configure any SIP compatible device.

1. Please use this forum only as a means to share your configuration advice and guides for ATA devices and SIP clients that you are using with our service.
2. For any questions relating to device configuration, please use the other forum sections or post your question directly in the device topic that your question is meant for.
3. Please title your topics with only the name and model of your device so users can easily find the information they need.
4. Preferable format for posting here is compressing your screenshots of your successfully configured device into a .zip file, and post a brief description of the configuration.

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Just Passing Thru
Posts: 7
Joined: 09/01/2010
SIP Device Name: Cisco ATA 186
Firmware Version: 3.1.0
Router: WRT54GL -Tomato Version 1.27

Cisco ATA 186

Post by DenRad »

To find out the the IP address of the ATA 186 pick up a connected phone, press the button on Top of the ATA then Dial "21#". The ATA 186 now tells you it's actual IP address. Open a web browser an point it to the told address and ad "/dev" to the end.
Example: The ATA tells you IP then point your Browser to ""

All other Static settings should be set
Alternatively DHCP: 0
configure static settings as desired

UID0: SIP Username

PWD0: SIP Password

The secondary analog port is not used
UID1: 0
PWD1: <empty>


SIPRegOn: 1


DisplayName0: Your Choice or 0 for none

RxCodec: 2
TxCodec: 2
LBRCodec: 0
**Updated - Use these codec values instead of the ones shown in attached**
Configures the ATA to use G.711u codec

AudioMode: 0x00140014
Turns off silence Suppression which can be problematic

TimeZone: (0 - 24)
Use the following table to select the correct TimeZone value.
0 = GMT | 9 = GMT + 9 | 18 = GMT - 7
1 = GMT + 1 | 10 = GMT + 10 | 19 = GMT - 6
2 = GMT + 2 | 11 = GMT + 11 | 20 = GMT - 5
3 = GMT + 3 | 12 = GMT + 12 | 21 = GMT - 4
4 = GMT + 4 | 13 = GMT - 12 | 22 = GMT - 3
5 = GMT + 5 | 14 = GMT - 11 | 23 = GMT - 2
6 = GMT + 6 | 15 = GMT - 10 | 24 = GMT - 1
7 = GMT + 7 | 16 = GMT - 9
8 = GMT + 8 | 17 = GMT - 8

NTPIP: and AltNTPIP: IP Address of your prefferred Time server(s)

DNS1IP: and DNS2IP: IP address of your DNS servers if not using DHCP

DialPlan: *98S|*St4-|#St4-|911|1>#t8.r9t2-|0>#t811.rat4-|[2_9].........

DialPlanEx: 0
If your custom dial plan exceeds 199 characters, then must use the DialPlanEx parameter. Must be set to 0 (zero) if not used.

All other settings can be left at factory defaults
These parameters are used on v3.1.0 SIP firmware ... sp?TID=789
Refer to voipdude's post for firmware info
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Tried and True
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Joined: 09/18/2009
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ISP Name: Tek Savvy Internet (DSL)
Computer OS: CentOS, Arch, Widows 7, AIX, AS/400
Router: Cisco ASA 5520
Smartphone Model: Samsung Galaxy Ace Q
Android Version: 2.3.6
Location: Simcoe County

Re: Cisco ATA 186

Post by Bloodsong »

Wow this was posted just in time I'm looking at one of these on Ebay ... 2a09eece66
One Hit Wonder
Posts: 1
Joined: 02/06/2013
SIP Device Name: Cisco ATA 186
Firmware Version: 3.2
Router: Cisco

Re: Cisco ATA 186

Post by sthoms »

Hi DenRad,

Is there any easyway to dump my Cisco ATA 186 config the way you did? (i.e. one screen shot). I'm on version 3.2 and each web page displays different parameters.

I'm getting the error message 'the account is invalid', yet I have entered all the parameters that you have stated below.
