unable to receive group sms

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Just Passing Thru
Posts: 2
Joined: 05/30/2018

unable to receive group sms

Post by FogDucker »

I've been a voip.ms user for some time and was happy until I discovered that I cannot receive SMS messages when I am one of many recipients. 1:1, no problem. This is problematic as I can't possibly know when this happens nor does the sender receive any notification that it wasn't delivered to me. I had friends, family and clubs ask - why haven't you been responding to my text messages?!?

Dismayed, I tried other providers, including Fongo. Strangely, Fongo behaves the same way. It won't deliver messages to me.

I opened up a support ticket with Fongo but have not heard back.

Does anyone know more about this?

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Re: unable to receive group sms

Post by FONGO_jeff »

There really isn't such a thing as "group SMS". People with iPhones are accustomed to "group SMS" because they use iMessage, but they aren't really in a "group SMS", they are in a "group iMessage" and Apple is facilitating the communications, not your mobile provider. This is why Android users cannot be a part of an iMessage group. There is a mechanism for group SMS, but it is actually MMS based and Fongo does not support MMS at this time.
Just Passing Thru
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Joined: 05/30/2018

Re: unable to receive group sms

Post by FogDucker »

Thanks for the explanation Jeff. Before porting my number to a VoIP provider, I received this messages on my Android, so it must be the MMS based messaging. The fact that both senders and receivers are unaware of non-delivery, I've decided to buy a dual-sim phone and port my number back to a provider.