Traveling abroad. Is Fongo appropriate in my situation?

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Traveling abroad. Is Fongo appropriate in my situation?

Post by fongonew500 »

I have an unlocked Android smartphone, and in 1 week am leaving the country for Vietnam for several months.

I plan on switching my Koodo SIM card with a local one when I'm in Vietnam, to make local calls and have cheap Internet.

However while I'm there I'd still like my phone receive standard calls/SMS sent to my Canadian number. In other words, have local Vietnamese calls come in normally over GSM, and calls to my Canadian number come in via the Fongo app.

1) Will Fongo let me receive Canada calls when I'm in Vietnam, if I port my number to it?
2) What happens if the call/SMS comes in when I have no Internet access (example: ran out of data, and am not at home)? Do I get missed call notifications once I have Internet again? Is there voicemail?
3) Are you aware of Internet providers in Asia blocking Fongo? Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, ...
4) Let's say my phone is lost or stolen and I buy a replacement. Will Fongo let me resume usage, despite not being able to receive calls/SMS for security verifications?

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Re: Traveling abroad. Is Fongo appropriate in my situation?

Post by bridonca »

fongonew500 wrote:I have an unlocked Android smartphone, and in 1 week am leaving the country for Vietnam for several months.

I plan on switching my Koodo SIM card with a local one when I'm in Vietnam, to make local calls and have cheap Internet.

However while I'm there I'd still like my phone receive standard calls/SMS sent to my Canadian number. In other words, have local Vietnamese calls come in normally over GSM, and calls to my Canadian number come in via the Fongo app.

1) Will Fongo let me receive Canada calls when I'm in Vietnam, if I port my number to it?
Yes. Just make sure you do all this in Canada, before you move.
fongonew500 wrote:2) What happens if the call/SMS comes in when I have no Internet access (example: ran out of data, and am not at home)? Do I get missed call notifications once I have Internet again? Is there voicemail?
It will go to voice mail, and you can access your SMS when you get internet back
fongonew500 wrote:3) Are you aware of Internet providers in Asia blocking Fongo? Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, ...
I would say no. Most of Asia does not resort to any of that foolishness, as far as I know. No guarantees on quality though.
fongonew500 wrote:4) Let's say my phone is lost or stolen and I buy a replacement. Will Fongo let me resume usage, despite not being able to receive calls/SMS for security verifications?
You would have to contact Fongo. You can set up your Fongo account on multiple devices, I believe you only use one account at a time though
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Re: Traveling abroad. Is Fongo appropriate in my situation?

Post by fongonew500 »

bridonca wrote:
fongonew500 wrote:Yes. Just make sure you do all this in Canada, before you move.
Thanks bridonca.

Just to make sure I'm understanding this right: If I port my number ASAP (I leave next week-end), then once it's on Fongo that will end my plan with Koodo, right? That means I wouldn't be able to receive calls (while still in Canada) unless I have wifi access, since I no longer have a GSM data plan?
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Re: Traveling abroad. Is Fongo appropriate in my situation?

Post by bridonca »

fongonew500 wrote:Just to make sure I'm understanding this right: If I port my number ASAP (I leave next week-end), then once it's on Fongo that will end my plan with Koodo, right? That means I wouldn't be able to receive calls (while still in Canada) unless I have wifi access, since I no longer have a GSM data plan?
That would be correct. The porting process also takes time, and there is never any exact time when the port will take hold. Also be aware the port might get stuck, and you have to contact Fongo to get the port addressed.
That is why it is much better to have the porting process done here in Canada. It is not all that bad, all your calls can go to voice mail, to be accessed later, or have the newly ported Fongo number forwarded to another cell phone

On the flip side, you never have to port again, once you are with Fongo. You can just forward to a new cell phone number, whatever that may be.