Fongo Adapter

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Fongo Adapter

Post by jenom »

Not clear from Fongo Home Phone website, what is the model number and status of the adapter they ship:
1) Is it a Grandstream HT 801 or HT701 ? (Both listed there)
2) Is this adapter locked, no Administrator login and access to settings web pages ?
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Re: Fongo Adapter

Post by Liptonbrisk »

jenom wrote:Not clear from Fongo Home Phone website, what is the model number and status of the adapter they ship:
1) Is it a Grandstream HT 801 or HT701 ? (Both listed there)
I don't think they've shipped HT-701 in years. For confirmation, you should submit a ticket:
Is this adapter locked
It's locked to Fongo's provisioning server. When the user leaves Fongo, a ticket can be submitted requesting that the ATA be removed from the provisioning server.
Afterwards, the ATA can then be used with any BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) SIP service provider.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: Visit to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at
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Re: Fongo Adapter

Post by jenom »

thank you for your reply