Damaged phone, cannot log in on another phone

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Damaged phone, cannot log in on another phone

Post by arcsaber »

I signed up to a new account today and was able to log in without any issues.
Sadly, I dropped the phone and cracked the screen so I'm trying to move to my backup phone while looking into repair option.
Both are android, but I cannot log in using my second phone.

I freshly installed fongo from playstore and it says:
"Please reinstall the latest release of the app and try again"

I already logged out completely from the damaged phone and it still says this. I can log in successfully again with the damaged phone.
Does Fongo lock the number to a phone and doesn't allow moving it to another in my scenario?
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Re: Damaged phone, cannot log in on another phone

Post by Liptonbrisk »

arcsaber wrote: Does Fongo lock the number to a phone and doesn't allow moving it

No. https://support.fongo.com/hc/en-us/arti ... e-devices-

I freshly installed fongo from playstore and it says:
"Please reinstall the latest release of the app and try again"
I don't know what would trigger that error message after installing the latest version from an authorized marketplace, and I don't want to guess.

You might want to submit a ticket: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new.
If you do, please provide the phone brand and model number, firmware version, and Fongo Mobile app version number in your ticket.

Support staff is not obliged to read or respond to posts here. These are user-to-user support forums. If you would like an official response, submit a ticket.

If you discover the reason, please report back.

You can check your ticket status by logging in at https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests. That's an account for tickets (zendesk) only and is completely separate from your Fongo Mobile account or any other Fongo account you may have. If you don't have a zendesk account, click "Sign Up". Use the same email address that you use to submit tickets. Do not use the same password as your Fongo Mobile account. Again, these two accounts are unrelated.

Support staff does not respond to tickets on weekends or holidays. Support hours are 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. EST.

Visit https://status.fongo.com/.
If "Support System" indicates "Degraded Performance", ticket response time can take up to a week.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: Damaged phone, cannot log in on another phone

Post by Jake »

I think I would uninstall Fongo from your second phone and reinstall it again.
The important thing is to make sure you are using the official version from the Google Play store and not some other 3rd party marketplace or app source.
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Re: Damaged phone, cannot log in on another phone

Post by arcsaber »

Jake wrote:I think I would uninstall Fongo from your second phone and reinstall it again.
The important thing is to make sure you are using the official version from the Google Play store and not some other 3rd party marketplace or app source.
I understand and saw mentions of that.
My second and now my third phone, both don't have fongo installed before.
I installed Fongo from playstore on both of them, it's the same error.
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Re: Damaged phone, cannot log in on another phone

Post by Jake »

The only other thing I could think that would stop you from logging in is if the first account was made on an IOS device, but you say the first two devices were both Android.
https://support.fongo.com/hc/en-us/arti ... e-devices-

Even if you can't log out from the first device, you should still be able to log in with another.

Can you check which versions you are running on each device?

Other than that, it's as Liptonbrisk suggested, which is to contact support.
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