GrandStream HandTone HT503

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GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by FONGO_kris »

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Fig 1 a/b/c are really the only SIP settings you need to worry about, everything else has to do with the routing and additional functions.
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by donmega_icecube »

I followed your settings including your optional settings, still doesnt work for some reason.
i have the same device you have, Grandstream HT-503 with firmware
i changed all the settings in the FXS section exactly as you had it in your snapshots = never worked
i changed all the settings in the FXO section exactly as you had the FXS = never worked
I had an older firmware, now i updated it to the = never worked
i opened port 5060 TCP/UDP and 5012 TCP/UDP on my router = never worked
i included a STUN server in the settings = never worked
i dont have another device to try it on. i know my device works perfectly fine, because i used it for another service previously until i canceled it.

i did notice when i go to the "Status" page, i see both FXS and FXO are "Not Registered", i dont know how to make them registered.

i'm typing the user name and password 100% correct as they are listed in the FPL account.

i also noticed another thing, after i copy/paste the "Dial Plan", if i hit update, then reboot the device, it defaults back to { x+ | *x+ } no mater how many times i tried it. that goes for both the FXS and FXO.

when i try to make a call out from the phone that is connected to this ATA adapter, within 1 second, i get a sort of a busy signal. and when i try to call my FPL number from my home or cell phone, i get to the voice mail, and it never rings.

if you can help, that would be greatly appreciated, honestly, i'm testing the service, if i'm satisfied with how it works, then i'm going to order the device you offer because i'm giving it a gift to a friend of mine, and i dont want him to be calling me for support, instead he will be calling you instead.

thanks for any help in advance.
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT502

Post by FONGO_kris »

Please note than under the "Recommended Dial String:" section, it also says "please note that this is a Linksys dial string we use for our devices and may not work with third party, non-Linksys/Sipura devices".

In regards to the configuration, could you send me a screenshot or web archive of the settings? (in a .zip folder or emailed to me)
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by donmega_icecube »

any ideas yet? i PM'ed the requested screenshots to you 4-5 days ago, i never heard anything back yet. please let me know because my friend is still waiting without a phone, i was planning to give him this as a gift, or sign him up with his own account.

please let me know, the sooner the better.
thanks again
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by FONGO_kris »

I've looked over them and everything looks A-OK -I will test everything and make sure.
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by donmega_icecube »

thanks admin, i really appreciate all your help and support. i will wait to hear back from you soon
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by FONGO_kris »

Looks like the shots were fine, a few issues with the dial plan but just keep it at the default and it should be fine. You may want to try resetting it to factory default, the only changing the user settings we posted on your account - Besides the dial plan and customer number of course.
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by donmega_icecube »

sorry i was away for few days, but i'm not sure if i understand you clearly.
so if i leave the dial plan as default, not the one that is compatible with the PAP2 (which you supplied)?
you mean you changed my user settings? i really don't understand what you are trying to say.

"the only changing the user settings we posted on your account" ??? what does that even mean?

thanks admin for your help.

i do have another question not related to this issue though.
i have a phone number (Edmonton 780 number) with another service provider (From the US). i use that phone number strictly for incoming calls, it's forwarded to my cell phone 24/7. but the problem is that the service provider i'm with is from the states, and they don't guarantee call display (CNAM), i dont know if they dont support it for both canada and states, or just canada because their system is desigend for the states. anyways, it's a VOIP service.
what i'm wondering if you offer porting my own 780 number to your service and have it forward to my cell phone at all times, and if offer the call display because it is very annoying when i'm getting "Unknown" on my display...???

let me know as soon as you can, because in 10 days my plan finishes with them, either i renew it or port it elsewhere that offers call display.

you should contact your business department, because i called 3 times and requested someone to talk to me regarding your PBX systems, no one called me yet, and i have a client right now waiting to hear back from me, but his patience is running out, and i think he might endup going with a company from ontario, i dont know what the name of it. as soon as i get your reply, i can PM you my number to give it to the business department, if they are going to call back.

thanks again
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by FONGO_kris »

You can PM me your (clients?) number and I'll pass it off to one of our PBX sales reps at 9am, could you also describe a bit of what is network infrastructure is and how large of a scale he is going to be installing it on?...

Yes you should only use the settings in your SIP Settings tab, but of course that dial play is Linksys/Sipura compatible only, so yes use the default dial plan of the Grandstream.
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by cyber062 »

Doesn't work any more with the last update

Product Model: HT-503 V1.1B
Software Version: Program -- Bootloader -- Core -- Base -- CPE --

I need a new configuration please.
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by Bloodsong »

Wow, thread resurrection.

Can you be a little bit more descriptive please?
What are the symptoms you're experiencing?
What does the status page say?
Check your IP and Port Forward statuses since you've recently performed an update it is likely you are back to factory settings.
Check your SIP Line-1 Setup page, make sure everything still matches your SIP account settings from the VoIP unlock key.
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Re: GrandStream HandTone HT503

Post by cyber062 »

I partielly fix my problem. My issus is about mapping nat in HT503. Here the link how i fix that! ... ic=14161.0