Porting Numer not reveiving calls

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Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by l.lai »

Need help
I just had by cellphone number ported from Fido to FPL. Can make calls but cant receive call. I hear number not in service. Everything was working fine with the free FPL number I had, now since I ported my cell number, I cant receive calls

I already changed the userID, other settings unchanged

I have a Grandstream BT100 and softphone on Win 7 ( both working fine with free FPL number before porting)

Please help. Nobody is able to contact me now!!

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Re: Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by FONGO_neil »

Hi l.lai, Can you PM me your FPL number and I'll have a look into it for you?
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Re: Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by TheHardy »

Which of your numbers is not receiving calls? Your post is unclear.

If you have ported your Fido # to FPL, you lose your FPL # .... the FIdo # "over-writes" it.

When porting is complete, you effectively "lose" the FPL #, but retain the Fido #.

Your settings need to reflect the new (old!) number in your config -- ie your grandstream login. The softphone, upon login, should properly use the FIDO number (as opposed to the FPL #).

When placing an outgoing call, which CID # is displayed?
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Re: Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by 000 »


I have a similar problem.
My number was ported from R0gers to Fongo, and it didn't work... was having "the number is not in service" message; even the login screen was showing the ported in number. I called tech support for a number of times, and then it got fixed. (don't know how/why)

Now the problem comes back in a different way; instead of having the message "the number is not in service," when people calling from cell phones (Rogers/Fido) they will hear no ring tone at all, and can't connect to me; but landline user can, there is no problem for landline users.

Please help fixing it!

Thanks so much!
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Re: Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by 000 »

Hi, I am having problem receiving phone calls from other cell phones. There is no sound, no ring tone if someone calls me from their cell phones. However, if someone calls me from a landline, it works.

My number was ported in August, it didn't work for the first two/three weeks. After more then 20 calls between technician the problem was fixed. And now it appears again...

Any ideas how to fix this? Thx!!!
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Re: Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by Jon74 »

Most people who port there # form Rogers has problem. It's Rogers they have away to do this to costumer who leave them.
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Re: Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by jwlemke »

I ported my number from LakeSimcoeTel.com in January. It has been working fine until recently
(the past week?). When someone calls in now you hear either half a ring and then busy or
a long pause and then "The person you are trying to reach is not available..".

Outgoing calls are fine.

My setup looks fine from here and hasn't changed in some time. Any ideas?
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Re: Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by jwlemke »

Um.. sorry for the false alrm.
/etc/asterisk/sip_general_additional.conf had

My IP address changed a little while back and I forgot to update this.
Sorry for the noise. I hope this "how it was fixed" helps someone else.

Cheers, Jim.
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Re: Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by Fongo Support »

jwlemke wrote:Um.. sorry for the false alrm.
/etc/asterisk/sip_general_additional.conf had

My IP address changed a little while back and I forgot to update this.
Sorry for the noise. I hope this "how it was fixed" helps someone else.

Cheers, Jim.
Hi there,

Glad you got this working.

If there are any other issues, please send me a PM.

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Re: Porting Numer not reveiving calls

Post by cham »

i have a very similar problem.
I have a d-link 601 router with a cisco 112 ATA with my FPL. After i ported my number, all outgoing calls work fine but for incoming calls, the caller can hear me but i can not hear the caller. do i have a problem with my settings?