Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Liptonbrisk »

OudoFyringSquad wrote: 08/14/2024 Okay so I pay to unlocked my sip and now you say the desktop app is not going to available
Since you own a VoIP unlock key, you can use MicroSIP for free instead, if you’re interested: viewtopic.php?t=20772.

and not it sounds like I am supposed to pay almost 25 per for a feature I wont us because my mobile 911 is included
The CRTC doesn’t care (or know) whether Freephoneline users have 911 access on a cellphone.

The CRTC mandates that 911 access is provided for what they consider to be local (and nomadic) VoIP services, and a couple of their customer service reps or officers suggest reporting service providers, which happens to include one that's based in Quebec, that make 911 optional with Canadian numbers.
"The three major obligations for local VoIP service providers in Canada are as follows:

To provide either Basic or Enhanced 9-1-1 service to their customers (Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-21)."

"VoIP service providers’ obligations

Fixed/non-native and nomadic local VoIP services

Implement an interim solution that provides a level of 9-1-1 service, in areas where 9-1-1/E9-1-1 service is available from the ILEC, that is functionally comparable to Basic 9-1-1 service (see paragraph 68 of Telecom Decision 2005-21).
The interim solution must connect an emergency call to an intermediary, which in turn transfers the call to the proper PSAP or emergency services agency (see paragraph 61 of Telecom Decision 2005-21). As well, this solution must ensure that a 9-1-1 call originating from a local VoIP service is not routed to a PSAP that does not serve the geographic location from which the call is placed (see paragraph 68 of Telecom Decision 2005-21).
Regarding the determination of the caller’s location using nomadic local VoIP service,
the primary means of identifying the location of a 9-1-1 caller is by verbally determining the caller’s location;
if a 9-1-1 call is disconnected before the operator can verbally determine a caller’s location, the operator must attempt to call back in order to determine the caller’s location; and
the registered service address should be used only when the 9-1-1 caller cannot communicate his or her location or when a 9-1-1 call is disconnected before the 9-1-1 caller’s location can be determined, and the operator cannot re-establish contact with the caller (see paragraph 10 of Telecom Circular 2008-2).
Implement the capability to provide VoIP service provider (VSP) operators with a 9-1-1 caller’s telephone number, and require VSP operators to use the provided telephone number as a last resort to re-establish contact with a 9-1-1 caller, when a 9-1-1 call is disconnected before the caller’s location has been determined (see paragraph 17 of Telecom Regulatory Policy 2011-426).
Use zero-dialed emergency call routing service as the interim solution to route fixed/non-native and nomadic VoIP 9-1-1 calls to the PSAPs, pending the development and implementation of a long-term fixed/non-native and nomadic VoIP E9-1-1 solution (see paragraph 60 of Telecom Decision 2007-44).
Contact customers each time billing address changes are made to confirm the most likely physical address for emergency purposes, and ensure that customers are able to update their most likely physical address online (see paragraph 45 of Telecom Decision 2010-387).
Provide initial customer notification regarding any limitations that may exist with respect to 9-1-1/E9-1-1 service before service commencement. This information is to be made available through all of the following: marketing material used for television, radio, and printed media, the terms and conditions of service, on-line material, customer service representatives, service contracts, and starter kits. In addition, provide on-going customer notification during service provision through all of the following: marketing material used for television, radio, and printed media, the terms and conditions of service, on-line material, customer service representatives, warning stickers affixed to telephone sets, and billing inserts (see paragraphs 93 and 94 of Telecom Decision 2005-21).
Submit to the Commission proposed texts for customer notifications, which must adhere to the requirements set out in Telecom Decision 2005-61 (see paragraph 15 of Telecom Decision 2005-61).
In cases where there are limitations on VoIP 9-1-1/E9-1-1 service, obtain, prior to commencement of service, the customer’s express consent, by which the customer acknowledges his/her understanding of the 9-1-1/E9-1-1 service limitations, using one of the methods approved in Telecom Decision 2005-15 (see paragraph 98 of Telecom Decision 2005-21).
Provide all customer notification and any printed information used to secure express customer consent in alternative formats (e.g. Braille and large print) upon request. Furthermore, explain all customer notification and printed information to customers upon request (see paragraph 98 of Telecom Decision 2005-21)."

It is odd that when I discuss with CRTC reps what "provides" means and if 911 can be merely offered instead or made optional, they claim "no" (which brings into question what some other providers are doing). Whether those CRTC reps (if you chat with them, they're called "CRTC officers") know what they're talking about is another matter.

However, I note that Callcentric and Anveo (retail) both claim they're forced to make 911 mandatory if the customer claims to live in Canada.

"Do I need to have 911?
If you are located in the United States or Canada and have purchased a rate plan for outbound calling, or a phone number to receive calls we must provide you with 911 service as per FCC regulations in the US, and CRTC regulations in Canada."

"Can I opt out of E911?
You can not opt-out if you have indicated that you are residing in USA or Canada."

It's also obvious that Fongo didn't like Freephoneline customers making frivolous or test 911 calls because each 911 call to Northern 911 cost Fongo money: viewtopic.php?t=20529.
it should be setup a PPU (pay per use)
As I mentioned in the thread specifically discussing the $1.95 monthly fee, I suspect Fongo feels it needs to charge $1.95 monthly regardless: viewtopic.php?p=81602#p81602.

Anyway, the decision has nothing to do with me.
the name becomes a lie.
Well, the service definitely isn’t free anymore after June 3, 2025.

Lastly, (this is directed generally—and to no one specifically) when new forum accounts sign up to complain, keep in mind that you’re mostly complaining to non-Fongo employees (especially me, since I have to approve new posts). Fongo reps are not obligated to read or respond to forum posts. Consequently, if someone creates a problem here, that person is mostly just creating trouble for, or complaining to, me. But I don’t work for Fongo. Neither do most forum members, and these are user-to-user support forums.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: Visit to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Erft »

I've updated my payment information. I received an email from FPL/Fongo, asking me to do so. Interesting to note, though, that even though under the "Update Payment Information" link there is a tiny "Terms" link, it only connects to a 404 page:

"HTTP Status 404 - There is no Action Mapped for namespace / and action name term.
type Status report
message There is no Action Mapped for namespace / and action name term.
description The requested resource (There is no Action Mapped for namespace / and action name term) is not available.
Glassfish Server Open Source Edition 3.1.2"

I took a screenshot of the 404 page but I can't find a way to insert an image into my forum comments. I'd love to know what I agreed to by updating my payment information, and also how to end payment should I choose to stop using FPL.
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Liptonbrisk »

Erft wrote: 08/15/2024 Update Payment Information" link there is a tiny "Terms" link, it only connects to a 404 page:
Yeah, the link needs to be fixed. I’ve notified Fongo.

It needs to be changed to (missing "s" at the end).
I'd love to know what I agreed to by updating my payment information
You’ve updated your credit card information on file with them, and it will be used to pay your monthly 911 fee and for anything else you buy with Freephoneline.
and also how to end payment should I choose to stop using FPL.
You need to submit a ticket with a request to remove your payment information: Choose “Billing & Payment Inquiry” for the final issue type. There’s no way for the user to remove payment info.

You can close your account yourself after logging in at and choosing the appropriate option.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: Visit to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Erft »

Thanks, Liptonbrisk.
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by curt »

Hi Jake,

Will that still work? Liptonbrisk wrote: "Only ones with VoIP unlock keys are safe."

Freephoneline recently sent out a message:

Subject: Fongo Inactivity Alert
"We see that you haven't been active for a while. In 5 days, your account may be flagged for deletion. Your account and phone number may not be recoverable after deletion. We don't want you to lose it!
What is considered a "dormant account"?
Within 60 days, there has been no:
* outgoing calls
* purchase of World Calling Credits
To prevent account deletion, perform one of the options mentioned below.
How To Prevent Deletion*
* Maintain a World Calling Credit Balance
o i.e. $20 of World Calling Credits would delay the deletion of your account for 16 months.
* Purchase a VoIP Unlock Key
* Make a call with the FreePhoneLine desktop app (to be discontinued on June 3, 2025)
Note: Using FreePhoneLine primarily as a call forwarding service will not keep your account from being flagged as dormant."

Freephoneline said in the past that if I ported my number to Freephoneline (which I did), then my account will not be deleted for inactivity. Has this policy changed? Am I correct to assume that I need to do one of the above three if I want to keep my phone number? If so, it seems that purchasing the VoIP Unlock Key is the best long term solution.
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Liptonbrisk »

curt wrote: 08/31/2024 Hi Jake
Unfortunately, these forums appear to have lost Jake: viewtopic.php?p=81502#p81502. I don't believe Jake will be responding anymore, at least, not in a moderator capacity (although I hope I am mistaken).
Liptonbrisk wrote: "Only ones with VoIP unlock keys are safe."
That's right. Only VoIP unlock keys are safe and only if account holders pay an additional $1.95 per month (for each VoIP unlock key) starting in October: ... rvice-fee/.
curt wrote:Freephoneline said in the past that if I ported my number to Freephoneline (which I did), then my account will not be deleted for inactivity. Has this policy changed?
Yes. The dormant account policy can be found at ... unt-policy. I recommend reading it fully. I also recommend visiting that link periodically to see if changes are made.

"If you have no remaining World Calling Credits:

When your account reaches 120 days of inactivity, your account is subject to automatic deletion, unless your
FreePhoneLine number was originally transferred (ported) in from another carrier. This extends the automatic deletion date from 120 days of inactivity to 5 years (1827 days).
These numbers are then returned to the original carrier."

So, a FPL account with a ported number (but without a VoIP unlock key) will be safe for up to 5 years, but afterwards it's not. Without a VoIP unlock key, FPL accounts can't make outbound calls.

Also, each VoIP unlock key account will charged an additional $1.95 monthly starting in October: ... rvice-fee/.

Am I correct to assume that I need to do one of the above three if I want to keep my phone number?
I recommend submitting a ticket: Choose "My Account Inquiry". Let them know you ported in a number in the ticket. Mention the email you received, and ask to ensure your account won't be deleted for 5 years.

Another option is to pay to port to Fongo Mobile for $25, but there's nothing that says Fongo Mobile can't introduce a fee in the future for making outbound calls, as far as I know.


These are user-to-user support forums. Fongo Support staff is not obligated to respond here, and there's no guarantee forum posts are read by staff.

Also, none of the volunteer moderators here work for Fongo. We don't have access to your account.

If "Support System" indicates "Degraded Performance", ticket response time can take up to a week (or longer).

Fongo Support tickets can be submitted at

You can check your ticket status by logging in at That's an account for tickets
(zendesk) only and is completely separate from your Freephoneline account or
any other Fongo account you may have. If you don't have a zendesk account yet, click "Sign Up" after visiting the link.
Use the same email address that you use to submit tickets. Do not use the same password as your Freephoneline
account. Again, these two accounts are unrelated.

Support staff does not respond to tickets on weekends or Canadian holidays.
Support hours are 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. EST. They are not obliged to respond
on the these user-to-user forums.

Fongo does have I'm not sure if anyone
there responds to direct messages.
Similarly, they appear to be on Facebook: I don't know whether they'll respond to you there.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: Visit to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by curt »

Liptonbrisk wrote: 08/31/2024 Also, each VoIP unlock key account will charged an additional $1.95 monthly starting in October:
When I sign into my account that already has a VoIP Unlock Key, and go to "Payment Info", it shows how I can update my credit card info. But it does not show if it already has my credit card info. Is there a way to find out if it has this info so that when it starts charging $1.95 in October, the charge will go through successfully?
Another option is to pay to port to Fongo Mobile for $25, but there's nothing that says Fongo Mobile can't introduce a fee in the future for making outbound calls, as far as I know.
I already have the Fongo app for my iPhone and have a Fongo-provided number. Am I correct to assume that this is the Fongo Mobile?

If I want to port my Freephoneline number to Fongo Mobile, how do I do that if I already have Fongo Mobile?

But porting to Fongo Mobile is not one of the three options that Freephoneline gave in their email to "prevent deletion". Do I simply keep it active on Fongo Mobile to prevent deletion?

If I port my Freephoneline number to Fongo Mobile, what are the requirements to keep it active to prevent deletion?

On > Online Store > Transfer My Number, it states:

"Port your number to FREEPHONELINE for a one-time fee.
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT FONGO MOBILE, if you are attempting to port your number to Fongo Mobile, please click HERE. You cannot use a account on Fongo Mobile."

When I click on HERE ( ... e-accounts), it states:

"The page you were looking for doesn't exist"

How does one port the number to Fongo Mobile?
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Liptonbrisk »

curt wrote: 08/31/2024 Is there a way to find out if it has this info so that when it starts charging $1.95 in October, the charge will go through successfully?
Not without submitting a ticket and asking (billing and payment inquiry)

If you update your payment info, presumably the correct information would then be on file, regardless.
I already have the Fongo app for my iPhone and have a Fongo-provided number. Am I correct to assume that this is the Fongo Mobile?

Yes, unless it's Fongo World edition, which is doubtful
If I want to port my Freephoneline number to Fongo Mobile, how do I do that if I already have Fongo Mobile?
Relevant links

a) ... le-Port-in

b) ... o-services

c) ... r-Port-out
I'm only posting this link to show Freephoneline is considered a landline when porting out.

Your Freephoneline number would replace your Fongo Mobile number when porting into an existing Fongo Mobile account. In turn, you will lose the Fongo Mobile number on the account.

You can also create a new Fongo Mobile account by simply using a different email address.

Your Freephoneline account will be terminated after porting is completed. You would no longer have that Freephoneline account. You would have a Fongo Mobile account instead.
But porting to Fongo Mobile is not one of the three options that Freephoneline gave in their email to "prevent deletion".
They don't mention porting to other service providers and paying other service providers instead either, but obviously you can do that.
Do I simply keep it active on Fongo Mobile to prevent deletion?
If I port my Freephoneline number to Fongo Mobile, what are the requirements to keep it active to prevent deletion?
Click ... unt-policy. Read it fully. Visit the link periodically to check whether anything changes.

How does one port the number to Fongo Mobile?
The process must be initiated from a Fongo Mobile account.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: Visit to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by curt »

If my Freephoneline number has a VoIP Unlock Key, can I port this number to Fongo Mobile?

If so, does this mean that Fongo's Dormant policy ( ... unt-policy) no longer applies to my number?
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Liptonbrisk »

curt wrote: 08/31/2024 If my Freephoneline number has a VoIP Unlock Key, can I port this number to Fongo Mobile?
You would lose your VoIP unlock key and any World Credits you may have. Make sure you’re okay with losing your VoIP unlock key before porting out.
If so, does this mean that Fongo's Dormant policy ( ... unt-policy) no longer applies to my number?
No. Fongo Mobile’s dormant account policy applies to all Fongo Mobile accounts.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: Visit to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by curt »

I ported my number to Freephoneline several years ago from another carrier (Bell Canada). On August 28 (6 days ago), Freephoneline emailed me their "Fongo Inactivity Alert" for this number. It states:

"We see that you haven't been active for a while. In 5 days, your account may be flagged for deletion. Your account and phone number may not be recoverable after deletion. We don't want you to lose it!"

I submitted a ticket at but they have not responded yet. I checked status at and it shows "Open".

According to their dormant policy ... unt-policy :

"* When your account reaches 120 days of inactivity, your account is subject to automatic deletion, unless your:
* FreePhoneLine number was originally transferred (ported) in from another carrier. This extends the automatic deletion date from 120 days of inactivity to 5 years (1827 days). These numbers are then returned to the original carrier."

What prompted them to send their email to me? Have long have I been inactive? 120 days or 5 years? When did the clock start? 120 days ago? Or 5 years ago? Am I going to lose my number if I don't buy a VoIP Unlock Key soon?
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Liptonbrisk »

curt wrote: 09/03/2024 I submitted a ticket at but they have not responded yet. I checked status at and it shows "Open".

If "Support System" indicates "Degraded Performance", ticket response time can take up to a week (or longer).

What prompted them to send their email to me?
Emails are sent after "60 days + for all dormant accounts".

Have long have I been inactive?
No one actively posting here has access to your account. So I certainly don't know the precise duration.
120 days or 5 years?
I have no way of determining that.

By the way, "account deletion for 5 years of dormancy will start in July 2025".

"Warnings started going out a year before the deletion, and the warnings are sent monthly."

The 5 year timer appears to start on the day the number was ported into the Freephoneline account.
Am I going to lose my number if I don't buy a VoIP Unlock Key soon?
"Even if the account is deleted, the user will have 2 months to reclaim the number before it's returned to the original carrier."
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: Visit to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by curt »

Thanks for all of your answers and help. You've been amazing.
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Liptonbrisk »

curt wrote: 09/04/2024 Thanks for all of your answers and help. You've been amazing.
You're welcome.

Ultimately, if the number is important to you will eventually need to either buy a VoIP unlock key, which also requires paying a monthly 911 fee, or port out.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: Visit to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by jmc »

I signed up many years ago, the number I am using is the one given by FPL. I was happy using the freephoneline desktop app and have not purchase the VOIP key.
While I am aware the desktop app will be discontinued in June 2025. However the problem I am experiencing now is almost all the options within are now inaccessible.
i.e. You are unable to see your Call Detail Records until you've purchased our VoIP unlock key.
The Following Items Require a VoIP Unlock Key To Be Puchased: World Credits, etc.
You are unable to see your Follow Me Settings until you've purchased our VoIP unlock key.
You are unable to see your Voicemail Settings until you've purchased our VoIP unlock key.
Because of this, I virtually cannot use freephoneline anymore as I need to change the follow me settings (e.g. it is being send to a number that I no longer own) and other settings.
Any suggestions?
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Re: Freephoneline Desktop Application will be discontinued on June 3, 2025

Post by Liptonbrisk »

jmc wrote: 09/04/2024 Any suggestions?
Your options are to buy a VoIP unlock key, which also requires paying a 911 monthly fee, or port out (Fongo Mobile doesn't have a required monthly fee, for the moment; I can't predict the future) to another Fongo service or to another service provider.

Volunteer moderators don't have access to anyone's account and can't make changes. I'm very skeptical that Fongo support would do anything for you. You can ask if you want: Choose "My Account Inquiry". At most you might be able to request that call forwarding be disabled on your account. However, I suspect submitting a ticket would be a waste of time.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: Visit to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at