[Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

emporium wrote: 12/20/2024
Well if sip2.fongo is the same server as voip4.freephoneline
They resolve to the same IP address.
You can check easily here: https://www.nslookup.io/website-to-ip-lookup/.

It's also fplproxy4.fongo.com
then probably helped for both.
I don't know enough about how Fongo's network is configured internally to respond definitively, but (voip4.freephoneline.ca and sip2.fongo.com) wasn't restarted.

Instead, a server handling (routing) on-net calls (obviously between Fongo Mobile and Fongo Home Phone, at least) was restarted. The error was SIP 500 server error (something went wrong on the server side when trying to process a SIP request; it's a generic Server Internal Error).

I monitor several Freephoneline numbers frequently (all at different addresses in Canada) and have access to others. I couldn't reproduce the problem on voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060, even when other people were posting in this thread. I did, honestly, test, and incoming calls didn't stop working overnight. That doesn't necessarily prove anything, but it seems strange that an admin could reproduce the issue immediately (Fongo Mobile to Fongo Home Phone) while I couldn't at all from Fongo Mobile to FPL numbers registered on voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060.
The timing must have been very tight. I changed mine back to voip4, and tested that it worked. Called mom and it did not work for her yet. But I suspect that it started working after her registration expired and it was renewed.
New registration wouldn't have mattered in this case.

Enjoy the weekend!
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

I am seeing a problem today (I'm actually getting calls dropping straight to voicemail) from Fongo Mobile to voip4.freephoneline.ca:6060, which is sip2.fongo.com:6060.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.
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Re: [Resolved] Suddenly [Fongo to Fongo] incoming calls go straight to voicemail

Post by Liptonbrisk »

Fongo "restarted the specific node". The problem was related to the order of services coming back online after a data centre issue.

On-net (Fongo to Fongo) calls are working again.
Please do not send me emails; I do not work for nor represent Freephoneline or Fongo. Post questions on the forums so that others may learn from responses or assist you. Thank you. If you have an issue with your account or have a billing issue, submit a ticket here: https://support.fongo.com/hc/requests/new. Visit http://status.fongo.com/ to check FPL/Fongo service status. Freephoneline setup guides can be found at http://forum.fongo.com/viewforum.php?f=15.